摘要:Introduction. Study of the effectively of preoperative rehabilitation of patients with anteromedial instability. Methods. The study included 51 randomly selected individuals with anteromedial instability release with different knee joint сompensation,aged 25–50 years,both males and females. All participants underwent rehabilitation treatment in the Institute of Traumatology and Orthopaedics,National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine,and had surgeries in the Institute’s clinics. Results and conclusions. Treatment results of patients with compensated form of instability are not affected by the fact whether the patients undergone the presurgery rehabilitation treatment or not due to the fact that in 6 months period after the knee joint revision surgery main group 85,60±10,01 ( ± SD) and control group 84,57±9,22 ( ± SD) showed same functional results (р>0.05). Treatment results of patients with sub-compensated form of instability that undergone rehabilitation treatment in 3 months after the knee joint revision surgery in connection with the anteromedial instability are slightly better 65,33±12,71 ( ± SD) than the results of patients 55,00±8,32 ( ± SD) who did not undergo rehabilitation treatment course (p<0.05),but in 6 months period after the surgery the results are almost the same (р>0.05). Treatment results of patients with decompensated form of instability that undergo pre-surgery rehabilitation course in 3 months term after the knee joint revision surgery in connection with the anteromedial instability are much better 58,20±12,43 ( ± SD) that results of the patients 49,87±9,30 ( ± SD) that did not undergo the rehabilitation treatment course (p<0.05). Treatment results of patients with decompensated form of instability that undergone rehabilitation treatment course in 6 months after the knee joint revision surgery in connection with the anteromedial instability are much better 69,80±13,64 ( ± SD) than those with patients 53,33±6,95 ( ± SD) who did not undergo the rehabilitation treatment (p<0.05).The best results of the treatment were received in patients with compensated and sub-compensated knee joint instability,worse ones being in a decompensated form. Patients with decompensated form of instability had the most effective use of the preoperative rehabilitation program.