摘要:Purpose: Good health status and adequate physical performance are required for serving as conscripts. Therefore,the purpose of the study was to assess the impact of common fitness tests on military specific skills. Methods: 24 conscripts (N=24,age 19.4 ± 0.9 years,height 179.0 ± 5.1,weight 80.6 ± 16.8) of an infantry platoon completed a medical check,anthropometric assessment and isometric power tests of upper and lower extremities within a pre selection phase 10 to 16 months before military mandatory. During military mandatory a motoric test battery,a military specific test (MST),a 2400m run and a military march were conducted. Results: All strength parameters except leg press (LP) correlated significantly with the MST and military march (p>0.005). Isometric strength tests showed the lowest relationship to MST. The strongest predictors for MST (R2= 0.58) were seated bench pull (sbPull,p=0.007) and push up (p = 0.038). Push up (p≤0.001) and core strength (p=0.034) were the best predictors (R2 =0.60) for the military march. Derived VO2max was found to be a stronger predictor than 2400m running time alone for MST (p≤0.001,R2 =0.38) and march (p≤001,R2 =0.49). In a second step all significant predictors of MST and military march were included in a multiple linearregression. For MST the best predictors (R²= 0.63) were VO2max.(p=0.008) and seated bench pull (p≤0.001). For military march VO2max (p≤0.001) and core strength (p=0.006) were the strongest predictors (R²=0.64). Conclusion: VO2maxderived from the 2400m running test was the strongest predictor for MST and military march. Core stability and seated bench press significantly influenced military march and MST outcomes respectively. Isometric strength tests from pre-service selection revealed no significant relationship of military specific skills,which questions their predictive validity and purpose.