摘要:The extent to which current is minimized helps in ensuring that the island to grid-connected mode transition is effectively controlled. This applies not only in the short-term but also in the long-term. This is also useful because it helps in maintaining the required level of flexibility as far as the framework of controlling island to grid-connected mode transition is concerned. The integration of interconnectors can also be useful with regard to control of island to gridconnected mode transition. This is because interconnectors can help in identification of shortcomings and existing gaps as far as the framework of island to grid-connected mode transition is concerned. A major reason why the use of interconnectors can help in controlling the island to grid-connected mode transition is that they facilitate continuous monitoring of the grid. This implies that the relevant changes can be identified and incorporated into the island to grid-connected mode transition, in this paper also comparative between two type of the algorithm control MPPT based on the fixed irradiance and temperature.