摘要:The study of victim precipitation in Purwokerto is still lacking. Consequently, it is nearly impossible to get clear correlation between victim precipitation and the imposition of criminal senctions for perpetrators. The problems studied in this research are the implications of victim precipitation towards the imposition of criminal penalties for the perpetrators and factors that tend to impede the repercussions. This research used a qualitative research method, with juridical approach related to the imposition of a sentence for the perpetrator that is in the form of criminal punishment, which is lighter than prosecutor’s demand. However, not all judment of the judge include the victim precipitation aspect explicitly in considering the imposition of criminal sanctions. The legal substance aspect is the intervening factor, which is the specific minimum criminal threat that can override victim precipitation. Other contributing factors are the legal structure and the legal culture of the community.
其他摘要:Minimnya pengkajian mengenai victim precipitation di Purwokerto, mengakibatkan belum dapat diketahui secara jelas ada tidaknya korelasi antara victim precipitation dengan penjatuhan sanksi pidana bagi pelaku. Permasalahan dikaji mengenai implikasi victim precipitation terhadap penjatuhan sanksi pidana bagi pelaku dan faktor yang cenderung menghambat implikasi tersebut. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian kualitatif, dengan pendekatan yuridis sosiologis. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terdapat Implikasi victim precipitation terhadap penjatuhan sanksi pidana bagi pelaku berupa sanksi pidana yang lebih ringan dari tuntutan Jaksa, namun demikian tidak semua putusan hakim mencantumkan aspek victim precipitation secara eksplisit dalam pertimbangan penjatuhan sanksi pidana. Aspek substansi hukum menjadi faktor utama yang cenderung menghambat yakni ancaman pidana minimum khusus dapat mengesampingkan victim precipitation, sedangkan faktor lainnya yang turut menghambat adalah faktor struktur hukum dan budaya hukum masyarakat.