期刊名称:International Journal of Applied Exercise Physiology
出版社:Asian Exercise and Sport Science Association
摘要:In the article the development and experimental check of psychological and pedagogical aspects of activity of the teacher of physical training during mastering of fitness technologies was carried out. It was found that all the competencies of a physical education teacher are closely interconnected, interdependent and are part of the methodological system of application of fitness technologies in the educational physical education process of students. Depending on their ratio, as well as the degree of their specific combination in the educational process, an individual style of professional activity of the teacher is formed. To this end, during the research and experimental work, a questionnaire was developed, which provided for the definition of general and professional competencies in teachers of physical education departments. During the research and experimental work, the level of formation of professional and pedagogical knowledge, skills and abilities of teachers of physical education departments was determined. One of the important reasons that reduces the effectiveness of the professional activity of a physical education teacher is the lack of special knowledge, skills and abilities to apply fitness technologies in physical education process. On the basis of the conducted experimental work it is found out that the urgent need of teachers of departments of physical education is to improve the level of formation of special knowledge, skills and abilities related to the use of fitness technology. In the process of research and experimental work the attitude of teachers of physical education departments to fitness technologies and their application in physical education process of was studied.