摘要:The synergistic effect between modified atmosphere and potassium permanganate based ethylene scrubber on ripening behaviour of unripe banana fruits was evaluated at 13±1°C followed by ethrel induced ripening at 30±1°C. The type of modified atmospheres consisted of passive mode [prepackaged in polyethylene (PE) pouches] as well as active modes [gas flushed with 3% O2 and 5% CO2 in PE pouches and partial vacuum (400 mmHg) packaged]. The passive mode, gas flushing and vacuum packaging resulted in shelf-life extension to 15, 24 and 32 days, respectively as against shelf-life of 12 days for the experimental control. Application of ethylene scrubber in combination with silica gel as desiccant and soda-lime as CO2 scrubber further enhanced the shelf-life to 18, 28 and 36 days under the different types of modified atmospheres specified. The synergistism was shown through ripening retardation characterized by late onset of respiratory climacteric, delayed degreening and restricted softening during ripening of banana.