标题:Anti - Diabetic Properties and Toxicological Studies of Triplochiton scleroxylon on the Heart Enzymes in Normal and Streptozotocin - induced Diabetic Rabbits
摘要:The effects of orally administered aqueous bark extract of Triplochiton scleroxylon on the activities of some heart enzymes were examined. Some of the enzymes investigated in the plasma of normal and streptozotocin - induced diabetic rabbits were glutamate oxaloacetate transaminase, creatine kinase and lactate dehydrogenase. Rabbits of New Zealand strains, weighing between 1.45 to 1.95kg were used. Experimental diabetes was induced in the test rabbits by intra - peritoneal injection of streptozotocin at the dose of 70mg/kg body weight. Blood was collected for analyses, intravenously from the large veins at the back of the ears of the rabbits. Glucose concentration decreased significantly (P < 0.05) on the 13th day in normal rabbits but in streptozotocin induced diabetic rabbits significant decreases were observed on the 12th, 24th and 28th days of administration of the extracts. Some of the heart enzymes investigated in normal and streptozotocin - induced diabetic rabbits were not affected significantly (P > 0.05) after 13 and 28 days of administration of the extract respectively. On the basis of this research, extract of Triplochiton scleroxylon may be useful in the treatment of diabetes mellitus with the added advantage that it may not contain destructive chemical substances capable of damaging the heart.