摘要:Chemical composition of pottage dishes based on Groundbean (GB) and roasted GB as eaten were investigated using standard methods. Results showed that cocoyam-GB pottage had higher protein value (3.70%) than yam (2.10%) and plantain-GB dishes (2.82%).The ash, fat and fibre levels in yam-GB pottage were more (0.99, 27.23 and 4.70%, respectively) than other dishes and the roasted GB (p<0.05). The plantain-GB pottage contained more carbohydrate (46.49%) than other pottage dishes and higher energy than all others. Roasted GB however, contained comparatively higher protein (14.00%), carbohydrate (68.68%) and most mineral element values than the pottage dishes (p<0.05). However, cocoyam-GB pottage had higher values for zinc and iodine (p<0.05) and relatively more antinutrients than all others with the exception of oxalate which was present in only roasted GB. The findings suggest that these dishes would greatly contribute to total daily nutrient intake of consumers and add to local food composition table data bank.