摘要:Proximate and chemical analyses was carried out on the larva of Rhynchophorus phoenicis (F) and the observed results used to assess it nutritionally. A high fat content ( 25.30±0.20% wet weight ) rich in the essential fatty acid s was observed, while all the essential amino acid s were detected in varying amounts in the protein component. Macro-elements like sodium (773.49±1.02 mg/100g), calcium (60.81±0.32 mg/100g) and potassium (26.65±0.24 mg/100g) as well as micro-elements like copper (1.26±0.04 mg/100g), cadmium (0.039±0.022 mg/100g) and zinc (10.57±0.89 mg/100g) were present in significant amounts in the insect larva. The insect larva could form a base for new food /feed products of considerable nutritive value , especially if some level of defatting is done to further increase the relative proportion of the protein component.