摘要:This paper presents various vitamin levels determined by using High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC) in the influent and effluent of municipal wastewater treatment plant and its some sludge fractions. A, E and C vitamin levels in the influent were found to be 0.11, 0.84 and 5.16 mg/l, respectively. The levels of A vitamin of the microorganisms in the aeration tank and the effluent were determined to be 0.39 mg/kg and 0.17 mg/l, respectively. E vitamin levels in the aeration tank and effluent were also determined to be 6.61 mg/kg and 1.32 mg/l, respectively. C vitamin levels in aeration tank and effluent were 15.7 mg/kg and 7.35 mg/l, respectively. A, E and C vitamin levels of the sludge cake in the dried beds were found to be 0.44 mg/kg, 20.95 mg/kg and 11.39 mg/kg, respectively. A, E and C vitamin levels in the sludge cake disposed for a long time were also assigned to be 0.09, 4.76 and 1.93 mg/kg.