摘要:During composting, the humification of organic matter will have a significant effect on the total heavy metal contents in the produced compost(s).Therefore the present study was conducted to Investigate the effect of co-composting textile sewage sludge with greenwaste on heavy metal amounts in the produced composts. This experiment examined co-composting of textile sludge with greenwaste at 1:1 v/v (pile 1) and 1:3 v/v (pile 2)) ratios. After the 90 days composting period, the produced compost 1 led to the greater concentration of heavy metals. An important observation was that metal contents in the two composts was similar for Cd and Fe and different for Mn, Cu and Cr. Although both mature composts had total heavy metal lower than the French limit values of composts to be used as soil fertilizer, it is necessary to take precautions when spreading teese produced products in natural areas.