摘要:This paper studies the existence and global asymptotical stability of periodic PC-mild solution for
the 𝑇-periodic Logistic system with time-varying generating operators and 𝑇0-periodic impulsive perturbations on
Banach spaces. Two sufficient conditions that guarantee the exponential stability of the impulsive evolution operator
corresponding to homogenous well-posed 𝑇-periodic system with time-varying generating operators and 𝑇0-periodic
impulsive perturbations are given. It is shown that the system have a unique periodic PC-mild solution which is globally asymptotically stable when 𝑇 and 𝑇0 are rational dependent and its period must be 𝑛𝑇0 for some 𝑛∈𝑁. At last, an example is given for demonstration.