The issue of adaptive and distributed cross-layer resource allocation for energy efficiency in uplink code-division multiple-access (CDMA) wireless data networks is addressed. The resource allocation problems are formulated as noncooperative games wherein each terminal seeks to maximize its own energy efficiency, namely, the number of reliably transmitted information symbols per unit of energy used for transmission. The focus of this paper is on the issue of adaptive and distributed implementation of policies arising from this approach, that is, it is assumed that only readily available measurements, such as the received data, are available at the receiver in order to play the considered games. Both single-cell and multicell networks are considered. Stochastic implementations of noncooperative games for power allocation, spreading code allocation, and choice of the uplink (linear) receiver are thus proposed, and analytical results describing the convergence properties of selected stochastic algorithms are also given. Extensive simulation results show that, in many instances of practical interest, the proposed stochastic algorithms approach with satisfactory accuracy the performance of nonadaptive games, whose implementation requires much more prior information.