We present a new subband affine projection (SAP) algorithm for the adaptive acoustic echo cancellation with long echo path delay. Generally, the acoustic echo canceller suffers from the long echo path and large computational complexity. To solve this problem, the proposed algorithm combines merits of the affine projection (AP) algorithm and the subband filtering. Convergence speed of the proposed algorithm is improved by the signal-decorrelating property of the orthogonal subband filtering and the weight updating with the prewhitened input signal of the AP algorithm. Moreover, in the proposed algorithms, as applying the polyphase decomposition, the noble identity, and the critical decimation to subband the adaptive filter, the sufficiently decomposed SAP updates the weights of adaptive subfilters without a matrix inversion. Therefore, computational complexity of the proposed method is considerably reduced. In the SAP, the derived weight updating formula for the subband adaptive filter has a simple form as ever compared with the normalized least-mean-square (NLMS) algorithm. The efficiency of the proposed algorithm for the colored signal and speech signal was evaluated experimentally.