摘要:Nowadays m-banking (mobile banking) is widely used in many banks. It has embarked upon supply of various services based on different systems and with the aid of various services such as the Short Message Service (SMS). However in developing countries such as Iran, m-banking is facing some challenges. One of these challenges is the issue of language of this system, because the main language of this system, in both side of bank system and customer mobile phone, is English. Also one of the main issues in m-banking services is the security of the systems. For solving the above problems, we proposed a method in this paper. By this method we send secure banking messages as well as Persian SMS for mobile phones even they are lacking the support of Persian language. In this method, the Persian SMS message is changed into an SMS picture message and this picture is sent to the customer. Therefore any mobile phone can receive the message correctly in Persian language and also the security of sending the message is increased. This project is written in J2ME language (Java 2 Micro Edition) and has been implemented on Nokia mobile phones, models N71, 6680 and 3310.