期刊名称:International Journal of Psychological Studies
出版社:Canadian Center of Science and Education
摘要:In clinical psychology, Well-Being Therapy (WBT) is a relatively modern technique of managing patients with depression. Well Being Therapy is based on Ryff’s multidimensional model of psychological well-being. Fava has developed and validated it in a number of randomized controlled trials. The findings indicate that positive evaluation of one’s self, sense of continued growth and development is possible by specific intervention. The objective of this therapy is to increase the level of psychological well-being of patients and decrease vulnerability to depression. WBT can be executed in 8 to 10 sessions according to Fava’s phases. Methods: Sample of 40 patients was treated by WBT (20) and CBT (20) and was assessed for their level of psychological well-being (PWB) before and after the interventions. Results: ANOVA showed significant difference between pre and post treatment scores and WBT is more effective than CBT. Conclusions: The results suggested the feasibility and clinical advantages of adding WBT to the treatment of depression.