The main purpose of this paper is to present some properties of the meromorphic solutions of complex difference equation of the form ∑λ∈Iαλ(z)(∏ν=1nf(z+cν)lλ,ν)/∑μ∈Jβμ(z)(∏ν=1nf(z+cν)mμ,ν)=R(z,f(z)), where I={λ=(lλ,1,lλ,2,…,lλ,n)∣lλ,ν∈ℕ ∪ {0}, ν=1,2,…,n} and J={μ=(mμ,1,mμ,2,…,mμ,n)∣mμ, ν∈ℕ ∪ {0}, ν=1,2,…,n} are two finite index sets, cν (ν=1,2,…,n) are distinct, nonzero complex numbers, αλ(z) (λ∈I) and βμ(z) (μ∈J) are small functions relative to f(z),R(z,f(z)) is a rational function in f(z) with coefficients which are small functions of f(z). We also consider related complex functional equations in the paper.