期刊名称:The International Journal of Applied Economics and Finance
出版社:Asian Network for Scientific Information
摘要:In industrialized countries, apart from money market and capital market securities, a variety of other securities like derivatives are available for investment and trading. There is a demand in India to introduce these securities, derivatives are highly speculative, risky and increase volatility. Volatility is the measure of how far the current price of an asset deviates from its average past prices. Pricing of securities is supposed to be dependent on the volatility of each asset. Matured market/developed markets continue to provide over long period of time high returns with low volatility. ARCH, Engle’s ARCH, GARCH, GARCH (1, 1) are the methods which are deployed in this study for modeling financial time series that exhibits time-varying volatility of futures and options. The study finds an evidence of time varying volatility, which exhibits clustering, high persistence and predictability of futures and options in Indian market.