摘要:We studied the population structure and diet of burbot (Lota lota) listed as state-endangered and inhabiting small streams near the southern extent of the species' North American range. The size structure was truncated, with a mean total length of 191 mm and range of 84-356 mm. A subsample of individuals (n=32) were euthanized, and age estimates from otoliths revealed surprisingly short lifespans (maximum age of five years). An age-length key was then used to assign ages proportionately to the larger sample. and 80% were estimated to have been age 2 and age 3. Burbot stomach contents were removed with gastric lavage from 120 individuals during summer sampling that occurred at four-hour intervals for 24 h. Burbot specialized on Ephemeroptera, and consumed a variety of other invertebrate prey; surprisingly. fish were only found in three individuals. While similar to other reports of burbot in small streams, (e.g. small body sizes, earlier maturation, short- lifespan, invertebrate-centered diet) the population demographics were considerably different from 'typical' burbot populations occurring in lakes, large rivers, and reservoirs.