摘要:During the period of June 2003 to June 2004, we investigated production dynamics and trophic basis of seven dominant species of chironomids in a second-order river of the Hanjiang River basin in China. Tvetenia discoloripes was by far the most abundant chironomid, and it was the most productive species, with an estimated annual production of 24.06g • m -2 . Pentaneura sp. and Eukieferiella potthasti had production values >3.50 g•m -2 , and all other species had values 0.5), especially for the filter-collectors Microtendipes sp., Chaetocladius sp., T. discoloripes, and Pagastia sp. All species except Pentaneura sp. consumed a large portion of amorphous detritus, constituting more than 90% of their diets and contributing nearly 90% to their secondary production.