摘要:Winter distribution and diet of Pagastiella ostansa (Diptera: Chironomidae) were investigated in Big Brower Lake, Kent Co., Michigan. Big Brower Lake is a small (34.4 ha), shallow (Zmax=7.5 m), meso-to-eutrophic lake. P. ostansa larvae were found at only two littoral zone stations characterized by soft, organic sediments and Chara sp. beds. Larval P. ostansa gut content analysis compared with sedimentary algal assemblages indicated selective foraging and ingestion of large, benthic, pennate diatoms. Winter diet included the diatoms Navicula oblonga, Navicula cryptocephala, Nitzschia sp. 2, Stauroneis anceps, Stauroneis phoenicenteron, and Pinnularia maior, whereas more common blue-green algae and small and colonial diatoms present in the sediment assemblage were not ingested.