摘要:Since myomectomy throughout cesarean deliv- ery may lead to hemorrhage and uterinal atony, it is not recommended. But, myomectomy has been reported during cesarean section in recent studies. We presented a patient with large in- tramural myoma who was diagnosed at 34 weeks of pregnancy and operated with an unavoidable cesarean-combined myomectomy. A 33-year-old unpursued primigravida was referred to emer- gency department with abdominal pain and amenorrhea of 34 weeks duration. A sonographic diagnosis of myoma in pregnancy was made. Cesarean section was required for fetal distress and alive 2300 g weighted male infant with Ap- gar score of 6 at one minute, was born. As uterine incision could not be closed because of the myoma, myomectomy was performed dur- ing cesarean section unavoidably. A single 970 g and 15 × 18 cm sized myoma was removed. The physical examinations were unremarkable in the postoperative period. Although there are case series that have demonstrated the safety of myomectomy during cesarean section, we con-cluded that myomectomy during cesarean section is not a safe procedure accept inevitable situa-tions.