摘要:The possibility of the application of autologic pluripotent cells from peripheral blood (APCPB) for correction of striae after pregnancy was studied. Visually first signs of improvement of atrophic scars can be noticed in 6-8 weeks after injection of APCPB and gradually progress during 6 months. The atrophy of epithelium, hyperkeratosis, sclerosis of all dermis layers with smoothing of papillae, reduction of number of blood vessels and skin appendages were found before treatment by method of light mi-croscopy. In all observations after injection of APCPB in a connective tissue, which replaces of dermis, an increase of number of vessels at the expense of processes of neoangiogenesis, leukocytic infiltration reduction, thinning and ordering of arrangement of collagen and elastin fibers were detected. These results give a chance for more successful application of cosmetology procedures for correction of these defects of skin.
关键词:Skin Striae after Pregnancy; Atrophy of Epidermis; Dermal Sclerosis; Pluripotent Cells from Peripheral Blood; Neoangiogenesis