Write stuff on wind surf - Letters - Letter to the Editor
Robert BlackSometimes it is difficult to begin a letter to Cruise Travel. For example: "My wife and I have been cruising for many years" could be misinterpreted. "My wife and I have long been at sea" might lead a reader to believe we have a troubled marriage. Anyway, we have been well watered, and I am writing to praise a recent cruise on the beautiful Wind Surf.
Windstar Cruises means it when saying its ships set sail. Under white clouds of sail, we cruised Rome to Venice on that javelin of the sea that is the Wind Surf. it was casual-dress comfort, single-seating dining, no dinner reservations, scarcely a sign of one-upmanship, no big crowds, excellent ports and tours, and an outstanding crew. The wake was like a highway of adventure on the sea.
To each their own: some may be drawn to the megaship, the city at sea; but when we go down to the sea in ships, we'll choose a home away from home. The Wind Surf fully meets that requirement.
Robert Black, Carlisle, PA
COPYRIGHT 2001 World Publishing, Co. (Illinois)
COPYRIGHT 2001 Gale Group