Party, Patrol: Squad fights for alcohol-free fun - The Scoop - Brief Article
Rebecca HarrisThe masked marauders pictured here are not rejects from the Muppets. They're part of a new secret society that stages "over-the-edge" but alcohol-free events at Baldwin-Wallace College in Berea, Ohio. Known as the Party Patrol People, the 17 anonymous students are on a mission to show college students that they can have fun without excessive drinking.
Recent PPP bashes have included a drive-in movie screening of Billy Madison, with giveaways and audience participation, and a version of Survivor in which eight students competed for $500 by scrambling through a crazy obstacle course. So far, response has been positive with a growing number of BaldwinWallace students participating in PPP Saturday events.
We've given [students] something to do for a few hours instead of going to the bar," says student activities director Kim McBriarty, who formed the PPP last spring.
Other schools promoting alcohol-free partying include the University of Cincinnati, with its "Friday Night Live" events and Binghamton University in New York, with its "Late Night Binghamton" program featuring movies, live music, a coffee house, bowling, billiards, and contests.
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