Here's help for removing crayon and ballpoint pen
ANNE B. ADAMS Newspaper Enterprise AssociationBy ANNE B. ADAMS
DEAR ANNE AND NAN: Do you know how to remove crayon and ballpoint pen marks from walls without damaging the paint? --- MIRIAM WHITAKER, Grand Isle, Neb.
DEAR MIRIAM: For crayon: Spray the surface to be cleaned with WD- 40 and wipe clean with a soft cloth. If residue remains, add liquid dishwashing soap to water. Wash the surface with a sponge, using a circular motion, and wipe clean.
For ink: Rubbing alcohol is the best solvent around for ballpoint pen ink on any surface. Goof-Off, available in most supermarkets and hardware stores, should also do the trick. Follow the directions on the can. Other suggestions: Ultra-Brite toothpaste, Vaseline and Stain-X Carpet Stain Remover. Whew!
MORE ON INK (PERMANENT MARKER) REMOVAL: A while ago, we were asked if we knew of a way to remove permanent marker (black) from the surface of a brand-new almond-colored refrigerator. We said we didn't; that permanent marker is just that --- permanent.
Well, we were wrong! Here are some of the suggestions sent in by readers, but first, a word of caution. Test first on an inconspicuous place to ensure whatever product you use won't damage the finish. After using any of the products below, wash the surface with soapy water or spray with Windex to remove any residual film.
1. Fingernail polish remover on a cotton ball
2. Hair spray (you may have to apply this two or three times)
3. Goof-Off
4. Vandal Mark Remover, $3.99 plus shipping for a 17.5-ounce can. Available from WICO, The Source, 7847 North Caldwell Ave., Building C, Niles, Ill., 60714-4508; (800) 367-9426, Ext. 431, ask for Phil Humeston. Part No. 27-423700.
5. "OFF" Insect Spray Repellent
6. Lighter fluid (use caution, as this is, obviously, highly flammable)
7. Avon's Skin-So-Soft Bath Oil
8. Soft Scrub with Lemon Cleanser
DEAR ANNE AND NAN: I am looking for Red Heel Rockford Socks. Forty years ago, my wife made a monkey out of them for our daughter and for my mother. When they would get together, they had a great time talking "monkey talk." We have a granddaughter on the way. A friend gave us a pair of socks, but they aren't 100 percent cotton. Any possibility you can find us some Rockfords? --- EDWARD HENDRICKSON, Ocala, Fla.
DEAR EDWARD: Rockford socks now contain 3 percent manmade fiber for longer wear. They now are 98 percent cotton and 2 percent acrylic in the toe and heel area, and 97 percent cotton and 3 spandex in the ribbed top. We assume that is OK --- or at least barely noticeable! If you want just the socks, they are available from Gohn Brothers, Box 111, Middlebury, Ind., 46540-0111, (800) 595-0031, at $3.95/ pair, plus S and H.
Two pairs of Rockford socks, plus sewing instructions for the monkey toy, can be ordered from the Vermont Country Store, P.O. Box 3000, Manchester Center, Vt., 05255-3000 (802 362-8440). The price is $9.95 plus shipping and handling.
P.S.: For safety's sake, we suggest that if the monkey toys are going to be gifts for little children, instead of using buttons for the eyes, embroider them on instead.
Newspaper Enterprise Association
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