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  • 标题:Discless HP-UX workstations - technical
  • 作者:Scott W. Wang
  • 期刊名称:Hewlett-Packard Journal
  • 印刷版ISSN:0018-1153
  • 出版年度:1988
  • 卷号:Oct 1988
  • 出版社:Hewlett-Packard Co.

Discless HP-UX workstations - technical

Scott W. Wang

Discless HP-UX Workstations

THE HP-UX RELEASE 6.0 SYSTEM is a major software contribution to the HP 9000 Series 300 workstation platform. This release of the HP-UX operating system provides discless workstation operation in a network and intervendor file sharing through the Network File System (NFS).

The HP-UX 6.0 system enables tightly networked discless graphics workstations to share a single file system server transaparently in an Ethernet or IEEE 802.3 local area network. Fig. 1 shows a typical HP-UX 6.0 system configuration anddefines a few terms that are used here and in other articles in this issue. The terms discless cnode (cluster node) and discless workstation are used interchangeably in this article.

The standard ARPA/Berkeley networking services and NFS complement the tightly coupled workstations by offering intervendor and intercluster communication and file sharing capabilities. In addition to the discless and NFS capabilities, the HP-UX 6.0 system also offers:

* Industry standard Small Computer System Interface (SCSI) and VME support

* Enhanced graphics support for the new HP 98550A high-resolution graphics board and displays and the HP 98556A 2D integer-based graphics accelerator

* Commands and libraries from Release 1.0 of the HP 9000 Series 800 HP-UX system

* The X Window System SCSI and the X Window System are discussed on pages 39 and 46, respectively.

Design Goals

There are many ways to implement a discless workstation capability. However, our design choices and implementation techniques were guided by the need to achieve the highest quality goals of functionality, usability, reliability, performance, and supportability. This resulted in the following design goals for our discless workstation implementation:

* Low-cost discless workstation operation over a local area network

* A single file system view

* Conformance to AT&T's UNIX System V Interface Definition (SVID) semantics and backward compatibility with previous releases of HP-UX

* A design that coexists with and complements NFS, HP's Network Services (NS), and ARPA/Berkeley network facilities

* At least 80% of the throughput performance of a stand-alone system (workstation with a disc)

* Flexible system configuration and dynamic reconfiguration

* Thorough usability and reliability testing.

Low-Cost Discless Workstations

Clustering discless workstations is a way to achieve lower cost per workstation, to meet certain environmental conditions (poor environment for discs), and to meet specific ergonomic requirements. To operate in a discless mode the workstation needs accesss to a remote file server for booting up, for gaining access to files, and for doing virtual memory swapping from the server's disc. Remote boot and virtual memory operations are described in detail in the articles "Boot Mechanism for Discless HP-UX," and "Discless Program Execution and Virtual Memory Management," on pages 33 and 15, respectively.

Single File System View

There are two basic computing environment models: time-shared systems and distributed systems. Time-shared systems allow multiple users to communicate with each other easily, and to share a single computer's environment and resources. The disadvantages of a time-shared system are poor response time, limited configuration and scalability, limited graphics capability, and limited system availability. Distributed systems alleviate many of the disadvantages of time-shared systems by distributing the computing and other resources onto networked full graphics workstations that are smaller and less expensive. However, sharing resources and communicating between users on separate workstations is usually more complex in a distributed system. For the HP-UX 6.0 system we wanted the best of both models: a high degree of network transparency between workstations and a single-system view.

A single-system view in a workstation cluster means the user sees a single file system from any workstation and there is a single point for system administration. A user can log in to the system from any workstation in the cluster and see the same environment in the same manner as seen when logging into a time-shared system from any terminal. Single-point system administration means the system administrator can administer the cluster of workstations from any workstation in the cluster, and the work involved is no more complex than a time-shared system with the same number of users.

Most important, a single-system view in a cluster means a single global file system. Each workstation user sees and shares the same file system just as in a multiuser time-shared system. The implementation of this concept means solving many interesting technical problems. For example, file synchronization needs to be maintained between workstations in the same standard HP-UX semantic exhibited in a multiuser HP-UX system. There are subtleties and implications in performance because of file system buffer caching that involves file accesses in both synchronous and asynchronous modes.

A single-system view also means shielding the user from differences in the workstations in the cluster. In a single cluster, workstations may have different types of CPU (e.g., 68010 and 68020), different floating-point processors (e.g., 68881 versus a floating-point card), and different graphics displays. To solve this problem the concept of context dependent files (CDF) was defined and implemented for discless workstations. Each workstation has a context file describing that workstation. CDFs reside in a hidden directory that holds context dependent objects (text files and executables), and maintain the same file path names from any cnode in the cluster. This allows a CDF to be accessed using the same file name from any cnode, with the system automatically differentiating and selecting the proper CDF based on the workstation configuration.

A single-system view in a cluster creates the problem of process ID (PID) collisions between independently executing HP-UX environments in the workstations. Collision must be avoided since HP-UX uses PIDs as unique identifiers in many places (e.g., temporary file names). Similarly, clocks in individual workstations in a cluster must be synchronized to have a consistent time in the cluster. The single file system demands that timestamps on files be consistent no matter which workstation puts the time-stamp on the file. This has interesting implications for the make command if the clocks are not synchronized.

Additional details on the file system can be found in the article, "A Discless HP-UX File System," on page 10.


Conformance to AT&T's UNIX System V Interface Definition (SVID) and object code compatibility with previous releases of the HP 9000 Series 300 HP-UX systems were objectives in all design considerations for the HP-UX 6.0 system. For example, the process ID collision problem mentioned above cannot be solved by simply prepending a cnode ID number to the PIDs to make them unique. Instead, PIDs must remain five digits (1 to 32768) for compatibility. The problem is solved by a PID server process that manages and allocates PIDs in chunks to the discless cnodes while guaranteeing their uniquences in a cluster. Other examples are file synchronization and file locking, which must be done in a way to preserve standard HP-UX Semantics. See the article "A Discless HP-UX File System" for more details. Ensuring conformance to the SVID, the HP-UX 6.0 system has passed the System V Validation Suite (SVVS).

Other Network Protocols

While the discless capability is the primary objective of the HP-UX 6.0 system, anohter objectives was to allow access to NFS, HP's NS, and ARPA/Berkeley network services concurrently with the discless functions. Implementation of these capabilities affects the file system and the network system. For example, the key to a single-system view is the file system. This means we had to integrate all the requirements for other network file systems into the same file system used for the discless implementation.

Discless Performance

In a discless environment, some performance loss is unavoidable because of remote file accessing and virtual memory swapping over the network. The performance goal we set for the HP-UX 6.0 system was 80% of a stand-alone workstation's throughput performance. Three areas were identified as key to achieving this performance: network protocol, virtual memory swapping, and file system caching.

A lightweight protocol was defined to handle the kernel-to-kernel communication between a discless cnode and the server. This resulted in a significant performance advantage compared to other discless implementations based on standard network protocols such as TCP/IP. The discless protocol is discussed in the article "The Design of Network Functions for Discless Clusters," on page 20. A performance analysis is also included in the article.

To address the performance bottleneck of remote swapping at the file server, we include support for local swap discs on a discless cnode. For virtual memory intensive applications running on a discless cnode, the user has the options of adding a local swapping disc to improve performance while maintaining the single file system view, and of sharing resources with other cnodes.

Standard HP-UX file system buffer caching is maintained on the server and the client cnodes, thus maintaining the performance improvement file caching provides. This is discussed in more detail in the article "A Discless HP-UX File System."

Flexible Configuration

For HP-UX system 6.0, all models of the Series 300 family of workstations are supported. However, the server is restricted to the Series 350 only. Every workstation, including the server, runs the same version of the HP-UX 6.0 system. The server is not a dedicated server, in that it can also be used as a workstation. In addition, the discless cnodes and the server retain their ability to support multiple terminal users if desired. The Cluster size and configuration depend on the requirements of users and applications.

Dynamic reconfiguration

Users can add cnodes to or delete cnodes from a cluster and move cnodes from one cluster to another. A cluster can dynamically grow or shrink as necessary.

A cluster can start from as little as two workstations and expand as required without unloading the file system and repartitioning the disc. Discless cnodes can join and unjoin a cluster at boot time without affecting the activity of the rest of the cluster. The new cnode is immediately recognized by other cnodes in the cluster. When a cnode leaves a cluster the rest of the cluster will automatically reconfigure and continue operation. Multiple clusters can be defined on a single LAN and each discless cnode on the LAN can easily choose to join any cluster during boot.

To maintain the single-system view, the configuration of discless cnodes must be as simple as adding a terminal to a multiuser time-shared system. Because of the single file system implementation it is not necessary to partition the server disc according to the number of discless cnodes in the cluster. The file system and swap area on the server disc are shared by all discless cnodes. This allows the system to pool a large swap area when large swap intensive application programs are executed.

Easy cluster definition and configuration are accomplished through a program called reconfig. This is described in the article "Discless System Configuration Tasks," on page 37.

Another example of flexibility and ease of configuration is sharing of peripherals on the server, and the ability to configure local devices on the discless nodes.

Usability and Reliability

Features that contribute to the usability of the HP-UX 6.0 system include the single-system view, ease of configuration, and compatibility. We worked with human factors engineers to test out early releases for usability. This testing resulted in many changes to the documentation and enhancements to the reconfig program.

Reliability is achieved by extensive prototyping, design reviews, and testing. Besides the typical operating system testing done in the past, we designed and executed additional test cases specifically for the discless cluster configurations. Test clusters were set up to run a networking test scafford at various stress levels. The HP-UX 6.0 system achieved 120 hours of continuous high-stress operation without a system crash.

The dynamic reconfiguration capability also enhances cluster reliability. When a discless cnode crashes, the rest of the discless cnodes will continue to function unaffected. This requires extensive crash detection and recovery in the operating system. However, the entire cluster will cease to operate if the server with the root file system crashes. To ensure detection of and recovery from LAN cable disconnections without affecting other cluster operations, a cable break detection mechanism has been incorporated into the system. Refer to the article "Crash Detection and Recovery in a Discless HP-UX System" on page 27 for more details.


The technology for the discless capability started as a distributed HP-UX (called DUX.sup.1.) project a HP Laboratories in Palo Alto. This research resulted in a prototype implementation of distributed HP-UX that was developed at the Information Software Operatioon in Cupertino, California and the System Software Operation in Fort Collins, Colorado. DUX incorporated a fully distributed file system and many advanced distributed operating system features.

I would like to acknowledge the many people who made the HP-UX 6.0 system a reality. It is not possible to list all the names here so the list is limited to the core operating system teams.

Xuan Bui and his kernel group: Drew Anderson, Jack Applin, Doug Baskins, Paul Stoecker, Paul Perlmutter, Pamela Marchall, Joe Cowan and his kernel group: Bruce Bigler, Dave Gutierrez, Bob Lenk, Jack McClurg, Bill McMahon, Perry Scott, Rober Quist, Ken Martin and his system integration group: Stuart Bobb, Paul Christofanelli, Jim Darling, Steve Ellcey, Bill Mullaney, Bruce Rodean, Kim Wagner. Marcel Meier and his kernel group: Debbie Bartlett, Mike Berry, Barbara Flahive, Ping-Hui Kao, Anny Randel, Fred Richard. Bonnie Stahlin and her program management and usability/test group: Rich Dunker, Lois Gerber, Dave Grindeland, Mike Steckmyer, Ron Tolley, Donn Terry and his commands and libraries group: Jer/Eberhard, Gayle Guidry Dilley, Rob Gardner, John Marvin, Rob Robason, and Peter van der Steur.

In addition I would like to acknowledge the California contingent: Ching-Fa Hwang, Joel Tesler, Sui-Ping Chen, Chyuan-Shium Lin, Doug Hartman, Jeff Glasson, Mike Saboff, and Ed Sesek.

I would especially like to acknowledge John Romano from Logic Systems Division for his early realization that DUX was a must requirement for his HP 64000 market, and Ching-Fa Hwang and his team at HP Labs that built the original DUX: Joel Tesler, Chyuan-Shiun Lin, John Worley, Sui-Ping Chen, Parviz Afshar, Curt Kolovson, and Ray Cheng. Their continued moral support for this project was invaluable.

Steve Boettner, Bill Eads, Gary Ho, Eric Neuhold, and Mike Kolesar provided management support. Finally, a special thanks to Sandy Chumbley, then System Software Operation manager, for sticking with us all the way.

COPYRIGHT 1988 Hewlett Packard Company
COPYRIGHT 2004 Gale Group
