BQC-NR to sea mentorship program
Eneke N. SmithThe Basic Qualification Course (BQC) is the core-training curriculum of the Supply Corps community. It is mandatory for every Supply Corps officer to complete the BQC, whether active duty or Reserve! The BQC-Naval Reserves (NR) curriculum is mirrored after the active duty BQC training, which emphasizes supply functions afloat. However, currently there are no afloat billets within the Reserve Community for Supply Corps officers. After graduating from the BQC-NR, the Direct Commissioned Supply Corps Officer rarely has the opportunity to apply the knowledge and skills acquired from the BQC-NR in a fleet environment. The result presents a major practical learning curve between the active and Reserve Supply Corps communities.
Afloat training is a major piece of the puzzle!
The purpose of the BQC-NR to Sea mentorship program is to provide Reserve junior Supply Corps officers the opportunity for practical application of BQC topics and learn general shipboard procedures in a fleet environment while working alongside an active duty afloat Supply Officer. This program is voluntary for Reserve supply officers with no shipboard experience and requires a minimum of two weeks training afloat.
The BQC-NR to Sea mentorship program strives to expose Reserve Supply Corps junior officers to the fleet environment and provide supply afloat experience (mobilization readiness) and expand upon schoolhouse instruction by putting into practice those concepts learned in the classroom. Additionally, it will emphasize the "one fleet" concept by developing lasting relationships between active duty and Reserve supply officers.
Participation by ship Supply officers as mentors in the BQC-NR to sea mentorship program will be a great leadership opportunity to help train Junior Reserve Supply Corps officers in key supply areas such as Supply Management, Food Service, Ship's Store and Disbursement Services. Any afloat Supply officers interested in becoming a mentor and participating in this program are encouraged to contact Naval Reserve CNSL DET 606 POC LT Kathy Levister by e-mail at, for additional information.
LT Eneke Smith completed 6 years of active service prior to transferring to the Reserve status. She received her bachelor's degree from Norfolk State University. Previous duty stations include USS Peterson (DD 969) and Commander Naval Surface Force, Atlantic Fleet.
Lieutenant Eneke N. Smith, BQC to Sea program Manager
COPYRIGHT 2005 U.S. Department of the Navy, Supply Systems Command
COPYRIGHT 2005 Gale Group