ANDY GRAY: Interview: Brian McNallyLEE BOWYER must now come into Sven Goran Eriksson's plans for next summer's World Cup finals.
The Leeds midfielder is finally free of his legal problems and I think he has a compelling case to go to Japan.
Forget his trial. He has been cleared by the law of the land and the 12 citizens of the jury have found him not guilty.
Bowyer's performances during this troubled period in his personal life have shown that he is mentally equipped for the biggest challenges. Despite the cloud hanging over him, Bowyer continued to do a great job for Leeds week in, week out.
Jonathan Woodgate's absence from the Leeds side probably means that he will miss out, but Bowyer is definitely in contention.
But the trial, and the furore surrounding some recent club Christmas parties, have underlined the fact that professional footballers need to be more aware of their responsibility as role models.
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