With Skincare, 'To Pop or Not to Pop?' That Is the Question
Stephanie ThomsonIt's like eating chocolate or watching Melrose Place: we know we shouldn't do it, but it's hard to resist. The same is true with skincare. We know we should wash our faces regularly and keep our hands away from pimples but, we can't resist. Now, Clearasil is driving home the do's and don'ts we all know intrinsically by employing a clinical assistant professor of dermatology, Dr. Mary Gail Mercurio, as spokesperson to remind consumers--especially the more acne-prone among them--of their failings, reiterating that picking and popping are not permitted, and that washing daily is key, particularly with Clearasil's new StayClear line of acne prevention products. Dr. Mercurio toured the country, meeting with editors from teen, beauty and women's magazines, offering such sage do's as: "Get into a routine that's easy to remember and do. You may want to use a cleanser that both cleans and prevents acne, such as Clearasil StayClear Acne Defense Cleanser, part of a new acne prevention line from Clearasil," and "Use a cr eam like Clearasil Vanishing and Tinted Cream or make-up to hide unwanted whiteheads." The don'ts? Mostly the expected such as, "Don't pick or pop your pimples... When you pick or pop a zit, you also run the risk of scarring--something that could be with you for a lifetime." Mercurio also attacked myths. Turns out chocolate binges, whatever else they might do, don't give us acne. Thank God.
Marketer: Procter & Gamble, Cincinnati
Agencies: Grey Advertising. N.Y.
Key Players: P&G: Lance Batchelor, global mktg dir; Brad Frank, Clearasil brand mgr; Grey: Ron Castillo, global creative dir; Jan Egan, global creative dir; Suzanne McGovern, global acct dir
COPYRIGHT 1999 BPI Communications, Inc.
COPYRIGHT 2000 Gale Group