Digital Queeries - Brief Article
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This site's a drag
Although she sings, acts, and models, Mildred Gerestant is best known for her drag king persona, Dred. As Dred site effortlessly brings to life, characters such as Shaft, Sly Stone, Isaac Hayes, and Marvin Gaye--many of whom are featured on this impressive Web site. The picture gallery features shots of Dred the man, Dred the woman, and Dred the "somewhere ... in between." You can also visit the events page to find out if Dred is performing near you.
Judgment day
We all make snap judgments about other people every day. Whether you call them the "Could I date her?" test or the "Should I buy him a drink?" quiz, on the Web these rapid-fire decisions are called "Am I Hot or Not." Test your judgment mettle by rating head shots submitted by people curious (or stupid) enough to ask strangers how they fare on a 1-10 scale. The site even lets you choose between viewing men only or women only. Brave enough to submit your own photo? Beware: These folks are ruthless.
Welcome wagon
If you're looking for information about gay-friendly adoption agencies, advice on financial planning, or just a place to chat and post family photos, check out the Human Rights Campaign's new FamilyNet site. The site steers visitors through a colorful cyber neighborhood for gay and lesbian families of all kinds, covering everything from dealing with prejudice at your child's school to looking for senior housing. Especially helpful is the site's Legal Lane, which provides downloadable samples of documents, including coparenting agreements and living wills.
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