Lawyers? Bad?
Mike GardnerGuns and American Handgunner are, in my opinion, two of the finest gunzines in print. The only criticism I have is some writers make derogatory remarks about lawyers. The ones doing this appear to have no use for lawyers, that is, until THEY need one, Of course there are unscrupulous Lawyers. There are also unscrupulous persons in other professions. Let's not lose sight of the fact these types are a slim minority and not representatives of the entire profession. There are lawyers who are shooters, hunters and have the same 2nd Amendment beliefs as the rest of us. I wonder how the lawyer-bashers will think when one day THEY need a lawyer and are told their business is unwanted due to the derogatory remarks they have written? I don't believe a quality magazine should allow discrimination or slander toward ANY profession. It only alienates people.
Mike Gardner
Thanks for the kind words, Mike, but us, say something bad about attorneys? Na ... never. The fact attorneys have shammed the gun industry out of millions with frivolous lawsuits, mis-represented the 2nd Amendment constantly, sued gun makers for wrong doings perpetrated by criminals who used firearms illegally, all must be a terrible mistake on their part and all easily explained away. But I understand that to generalize is always a bad idea and there must be at least one attorney who doesn't fit the category, and if so, will you write in? Of course, attorneys also wrote the Constitution, so they can't all be bad, right? But hey, before you go, did you hear the one about the attorney and the shark who, woops, sorry. It sorta' slipped out. Editor
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