Young artist - high school student Anne Lindberg - Brief Article - Column
Anne LindbergI have always liked to do art because it is not only a form of self-expression, but it helps me relax and think. When I draw I have plenty of time to just let my mind wander and I enjoy the alone time. From this simple pastime I started to like the products I was making and, eventually, I developed a sense of aesthetics and my own style.
A lot of my work is based on what is on my mind the most: relationships with family and friends, self-examination, and my disposition to the world. Sometimes I just produce a nice picture, but other times the process allows me to perceive things on another level and uncover new thoughts and ideas, which really contributes to my own personal development.
I like to use photorealism, loose and gestural drawing styles, and a combination of the two. By exploring and experimenting with colors, shapes and brush/pencil strokes, I can better convey mood and a genuine representation of whatever it is that is on my mind; and since my thoughts are rarely focused, I use a large variety of subject matter.
Anne Lindberg, grade 12 Willowbrook High School Villa Park, Illinois Geri Greenman, Art Teacher
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