Top-quality teaching
Terry R. StockerBeing a successful instructor involves more than knowing exercise physiology, choosing great music and wearing the latest leotards. Following these 10 rules will polish up your art of teaching.
1. Coach Class
Coax and encourage them to exert that extra effort. Feedback motivates your clientele and keeps them coming back.
2. Be Personable
Ask them about themselves. Put some effort into relating to students on a personal level, such as greeting them by name.
3. Be Playful
Keep it fun. Putting imagination into your classes will provide students with a good time on top of exercise.
4. Vary Music
Just as your students differ, so does their tastes in music. Experiment with new styles. Jitterbug to a '50s hit, or run circles to Mozart's overture to "The Marriage of Figaro."
5. Work the Room
Have the front row switch to the back. Move the class in a diagonal or a face-to-face circle. Moving students around the room lightens the mood of the class.
6. Award prizes
A simple gimmick that makes students feel special actually improves attendance.
7. Arrive Early/Leave Late
This is your party and you are the host. Expect to spend a few extra minutes conversing with your students.
8. Keep Fit
Maintain a high level of physical conditioning. Keep fit for your teaching; don't use your teaching to keep it.
9. Take Classes
Keep larning. Conventions, seminars and workshops are training grounds that keep you enthusiastic and up-to-date.
10. Network
Trade sessions with a co-worker or exchange classes with an instructor across town. Within your own and with other exercise facilities, create a spirit of cooperation instead of competition.
Terry R. Stocker, aerobics instructor, teaches at the Alfred Corning Clark Gymnasium in Cooperstown, New York.
COPYRIGHT 1992 Aerobics and Fitness Association of America
COPYRIGHT 2004 Gale Group