Youngest Briarpatcher?
Ruth PearceDear Briarpatch,
I want to renew my subscription, and to order a girl subscription. I thought you might be interested in knowing that the gift is for my granddaughter, Sara, who has been coming over to my house on Saturdays to make a Japanese kimono that would be a replica of her favourite Japanese Anime character. This Granny would not make it for her, she had to sew it herself.
As we were having lunch one day, discussing whatever world situation, I commented that she should read a relevant Briarpatch article. I found the article--and Sara was quickly engrossed. As soon as she finished that issue she was off to the next magazine to see what else she could find.
In brief, each Saturday from then on, as soon as she came in the house she was asking for Briarpatch. So her mother suggested that I get Sara her own subscription as a birthday present. She turned 12 years old in November. When she read the birthday card with the promise of her very own Briarpatch subscription, her face lit up with the biggest grin imaginable!
We are starting her young, and you are in good company.
Ruth Pearce
Winnipeg, MB
COPYRIGHT 2005 Briarpatch, Inc.
COPYRIGHT 2005 Gale Group