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  • 标题:Scent of a woman: find the right fragrance for your mood - Beauty News
  • 作者:Stephanie Scott
  • 期刊名称:Essence
  • 印刷版ISSN:0384-8833
  • 出版年度:2003
  • 卷号:May 2003
  • 出版社:Atkinson College Press

Scent of a woman: find the right fragrance for your mood - Beauty News

Stephanie Scott

With so many scents on the market today, getting one that matches your mood or personality can be a challenge. Too often we're charmed by what's hot or comes in a beautiful bottle rather than what complements our personal flavor. So what's a girl to do? Laurice Rahme, president of Creed Perfumes USA, says you shouldn't rush into making a purchase. Instead, take time to sniff four or five fragrances in the store and take home samples to consider. But first, turn to our chart for tips on choosing the perfect juice for you.

Choose a scent that says you!

GREEN             FRUITY            SPICY             FLORAL

Crisp notes from  Refreshing and    Exotic and warm   Single notes or
grasses, leaves,  clean; common     with a hint of    bouquets
galbanum (a gum   notes include     such spices as    comprising rose,
resin with a      lime, mandarin,   cinnamon, nutmeg  jasmine,
balsamic scent)   watermelon,       and vanilla, and  hyacinth,
and herbs such    tangerine, peach  the rich aromas   tuberose,
as sage and       and mango.        of musk and       magnolia and
basil.                              full-bodied       other flowers.
                                    woods like

glamour girl

You'll love a     Dazzle 'em with   You'll adore      Make a state-
fresh, pretty     exotic notes      sparkling and     ment without
scent that isn't  like litchi,      rich blends of    being overpower-
too grassy.       bitter orange     florals and       ing: Glamorous
Try the alluring  and passion-      spices. Try       Daylight by
Des Lys by        flower. We like   Intrusion by      Ralph Lauren
Annick Goutal,    Ibiza Hippie by   Oscar de la       and Sheer
a single-flower   Escada, I Love    Renta, an         Michael by
fragrance         Dior by           intriguing blend  Michael Kors--
from lilies.      Christian Dior,   of neroli, peony  lighter versions
                  and Happy by      and patchouli.    of the
                  Clinique.                           originals.

the classic

If lush green     Never underesti-  There's nothing   You'll love a
grass and         mate the lure     more classic      scent remini-
freshly cut       of a pretty       than Youth Dew    scent of a soft
herbs appeal to   scent. Try Liz    by Estee Lauder   bouquet. Try
your scents of    Claiborne's       and Samsara by    Pure Tiffany, a
self, try Fleur   Bora Bora, with   Guerlain--both    mix of fresh-cut
de Matin by       its notes of      have aromatic     magnolia,
Miller Harris.    night jasmine     blends of spices  tuberose and
                  combined with     and florals. For  lilac, and Paris
                  litchi water      something new,    d'Yves Saint
                  and tropical      try Sephora's     Laurent
                  mango musk.       L'Eau Cosmic      Premieres Rose.

urban chic

Keep in step      Looking for       Give 'em fever    You can cer-
with your fast-   something sweet   with a deep,      tainly handle a
paced city        and sexy? Try     exotic fragrance  seductive floral
lifestyle by      New York Fling    like Kingdom by   with notes like
choosing a crisp  by Bond No. 9, a  Alexander         freesia or jas-
scent. Try Mat;   sensual blend of  McQueen, a rich   mine. Try
le vert, a        clementine,       blend of sandal-  Tommy
refreshing blend  bergamot and      wood, Indian      Hilfiger's
of tea leaves,    cardamom.         jasmine petals    T-Girl or Chance
watermelon and                      and bourbon       by Chanel.
green lemons.                       vanilla.

the individualist

Your greens must  Who else but you  Because you're    Try florals with
have an earthy    would appreciate  not afraid of a   an unusual flair
slant. We like    Japanese citrus   little spice,     like Frolic
Kenzo Parfum      and warm, clean   use Boheme by     Floral Fantasy
d'Ete.            musks? Look to    Napa Valley       Mist by Origins,
                  Apothia.if, also  Fragrances, an    with linden
                  known as the      exotic mix of     blossom, rose
                  Internet          bergamot,         and iris;
                  fragrance,        carnation and     Monyette Paris,
                  because more      amber.            with Tahitian
                  than one hundred                    gardenia and Nag
                  women logged on                     Champa; or Tres
                  to apothia.com                      Jolie's Jivanna.
                  to vote on the

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