Somethinig to smile about: at-home teeth-whitening and -brightening solutions that really work
Stephanie ScottSomething to Smile About At-home teeth-whitening and -brightening solutions that really work Supersmile Whitening Accelerator System How to use it: Uniquefeatures: Best for: Anyone Drawbacks: It Squeeze a Unlike other who wants only whitens pearl-size drop whitening whiter, brighter teeth by two to of both the toothpastes, teeth without three shades, a Supersmile this one does the fuss of bit less than Accelerator and not contain trays or strips. some other the Supersmile silica, a You'll see at-home Toothpaste derivative of results in two alternatives. onto a dry sand that's used to three weeks. Cost: $30 toothbrush, and to enhance It's safe enough To get it: (800) brush teeth for brightening, so to use on bonds, 784-SMILE two minutes. it's nonabrasive caps and and safer for dentures. teeth. "With this system, my teeth were noticeably brighter after the first use!"--MIKKI TAYLOR, BEAUTY DIRECTOR Rembrandt 2-Hour White Kit How to use it: Unique features: Best for: Drawbacks: You Pump the syringe The mouth guards Natural teeth, won't see the to release the fit well and not dentures or results if you bleaching gel closely resemble veneers. Use don't stick to into the mouth what many this kit if the 20-minute guard, then dentists use in you want fast time intervals. place mouth their offices to results and Cost: $19.99 guard on the achieve maximum don't like To get it: (800) upper and lower whiteness. the idea of 548-3663 sets of teeth overnight for 20-minute bleaching intervals. agents. "The process is a bit messy, but the system worked." --PAMELA EDWARDS, FASHION AND BEAUTY FEATURES EDITOR Crest Whitestrips Premium How to use it: Unique features: Best for: Drawbacks: The Brush your Once you reach Multitaskers strips are small teeth, then use your desired who want to and cover about a dry cloth to level of whiten their six teeth at remove any whiteness, you teeth in the best. And the moisture. Place can expect the shower, in the product does not the flexible results to last car, on the way work on veneers strips onto your for up to one to work. or dentures. teeth for 30 year. Cost: $34.99 minutes, twice per box a day for seven To get it: days. Drugstores nationwide "In less than a week I could really see a difference in the whiteness of my teeth."--IONIA DUNN LEE, FASHION EDITOR BriteSmile To Go Whitening Pen How to use it: Unique features: Best for: People Drawbacks: The Use the The gel is a who are on the product doesn't applicator wand cinch to apply, go; coffee work on to brush on gel thanks to its drinkers who artificial teeth for 30 seconds, turn-and-click want to prevent like veneers, twice a day. The release button. recurring dentures, makers claim it Its supersoft staining. bonding or can whiten up brush bristles fillings. to six shades make it easy Cost: $29.95 brighter. Should to get those To get it: (800) see results in hard-to-reach BRITESMILE two weeks. spaces. "I can apply it anywhere--on the train, at the office. And I got whiter teeth in a flash."--MARSHA AUGUSTIN, BEAUTY ASSISTANT GoSmile Tooth Whitening On The Go System How to use it: Unique features: Best for: People Drawbacks: This The whitening These easy-to- who want is serious solution is use ampules come in-office dental care with released onto in perfectly results at home. a very strong, an individual measured acidic taste. sponge that you airtight vials Cost: $75 for use to brush for maximum the 30-day your teeth in a efficacy. system circular motion To get it: (877) for 30 seconds. 8-SMILES You should begin to see results after two or three days. "I just pop this brightener into my cosmetics bag and I'm good to go." --MICHAELA ANGELA DAVIS, FASHION AND BEAUTY MANAGER
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