Auctoritates logicae veteris
Aristotle (Aristoteles)Images available for this work: scribal colophon (f. 9r)
Manuscript part information:
Folio(s) of the manuscript: ff. 1-9
Geographic origin of manuscript part: France, southern
Date of manuscript part: 15th century, middle
Date in text of manuscript part: 1447, December 30.
Layout markings on page(s): 42 long lines on average; vertical ruling in lead.
Script style of text: Cursive.
Number of scribes identified for this manuscript part: 1
Name(s) of scribe(s): Anthonius Vincenti
Decoration other than representational on manuscript part: 2-line initials in red; paraph marks within text in red.
Information about the entire manuscript:
Location and shelfmark: University of California, The Bancroft Library UCB 087
Folio(s): ff. 25 + 9 + 16
Binding: Limp vellum, 19th century.
Provenance: Acquired by the Bancroft Library UC Berkeley from Bernard Rosenthal 1967 (?). Previous call number 2MS PA8450 A68 parts 1-3.
Note(s): Three separate volumes: volume 1 measures 223 x 151; volume 2, 214 x 150; volume 3, 223 x 155.