The Schadenfreude Index - Pleasure obtained from the troubles of others; technology stocks - Industry Trend or Event - Humor - Brief Article
Dan MillerSchaden-freu-de (sha-den-frol-de) (from German Schaden damage + Freude joy): Pleasure obtained from the troubles of others.
Once the exclusive idiom of polysyllabic literary types, "schadenfreude" is suddenly everywhere. Before last spring, the word rarely appeared in periodicals outside of the New York Times (which just loves the locution). But as the Nasdaq fell, schadenfreude spread -- both in the grubby hearts of gleeful not-commers and In the press, especially the business press.
Usage spiked last June, just after the Nasdaq's first stumble. It remained steady through the rest of 2000, rising again in the fall (when tech stocks took another dive). But market watchers take heart: Usage appears to be tailing off in 2001. Can a turnaround be far behind?
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