The British Governments in Nth. America Laid down agreeable to the Proclamation of Octr. 7, 1763.
Gibson, J. (John)Appeared In: Gentleman's Magazine
General Notes: Kashnor notes, "Giving the whole of N. America from James's Bay to Florida, and west to Louisiana." Inset map of Bermuda.
Greenwich Meridian Coordinates: W97��--W52��/ N55��--N22��
Imprint Transcribed from Map: J. Gibson Sculp. Gent. Mag. [note on backing: Dec 1763]
Map Baseline: Ferro
Note on Features: Submap of Bermuda or Summer Islands. MS note: 131 Dec. 1763(p.577) (on backing)
Other Features: Sub-maps
Projection: Pseudocylindrical
Relief: Pictorial
Rhumb Vs. Grid: Grid
Scale: [ca. 1:19,000,000]