Farewell to waterfalls? - rapid application development - includes product directory
Mary HannaToday, few companies can afford to use the time-consuming waterfall model for their software development. With the waterfall model, the development team has to complete each development stage before moving on to the next. Some observers say the massive specifications associated with this development approach are simply not practical anymore; organizations want to "code and go."
Perhaps this explains why rapid application development (RAD) has become so popular. "Companies can no longer afford the six-month requirements collection phase that was typical of older development methodologies," said Burt Rubenstein, vice president, technology services at Cambridge Technology Partners (CTP), a consulting and systems integration firm in Cambridge, Mass. "The frameworks and tools available today allow developers to work without having to know all the details of an application. RAD is the natural way to do things."
The ability to deliver quickly can mean success for a development effort. "It is important to get something up and running quickly," Rubenstein said. "We have found that projects that last longer than six to nine months risk either the loss of the user's interest or a change in the business process itself. If more features or enhancements are needed, they can be added in a later phase of the project."
Today, RAD is an iterative approach to development that delivers working pieces of an application incrementally, all the while incorporating feedback from end users. According to Carma McClure, vice president of research, Extended Intelligence Inc., Chicago, rapid prototyping coincided with the advent of Case tools and code generators. As tools became more sophisticated, she said, the process became more iterative.
RAD, and the iterative process, are "more popular than ever," said McClure. "Users want to see something and the sooner they can, the more comfortable they are."
Still, she cautioned, RAD is not always the way to proceed. If developers know a great deal about the systems they are about to build, the waterfall model remains the better bet. "If you know everything up front, waterfall is better. If you're going to 'discover,' RAD is better."
Driving the RAD phenomenon are visual, point-and-click programming tools that allow users to develop GUIs quickly. It is in the area of GUI development that RAD has hit its stride. "If you're talking about the generating of user interfaces, then RAD is very widespread," said Tony Picardi, group vice president, worldwide software at International Data Corp. (IDC), Framingham, Mass. "If you think RAD means automating the entire application from specifications, then it's not that widespread."
Low-end GUI builders, said Picardi, are not adequate for automating event logic and state transition logic. Developers who attempt to use such tools for the entire life cycle end up doing some hand-coding, he said.
Get Users Involved
Still, while some observers maintain that RAD should remain in the coding sphere, others believe it is possible to speed up the entire development life cycle, from requirements gathering to construction.
A typical RAD project for CTP, said Rubenstein, includes a week of "scoping," a three-week joint application development workshop to determine the business case for the system, and six to nine months for application development. This time frame is sufficient for developing a system of medium complexity, such as a decision support system (DSS), a customer service system or a trading system, he said.
The fast pace of development means that a consultancy's ability to work with the customer "on the fly" is crucial. Until they see working models of applications, many end users don't really know what is possible, said Jim Henry, principal at FrontEnd Systems Inc., Fairfax, Va., a consulting and training firm that sells a class library. "User requirements are more well-defined when a good analyst works along with the users and observes how they operate. Once the business rules of the system are understood, the actual processing details are not needed immediately. These can evolve over time."
FrontEnd uses its own class library with SQLWindows from Gupta Corp., Menlo Park, Calif., for development projects. "Our class library provides standard GUI objects, tables and forms with transaction frameworks, which include features such as commitment control and rollback," said Henry. "Developers have only to code in the special validations they need to complete the application."
Using these tools, Henry said he has developed complex applications, including an online bank loan origination and collections system, and a hospital management system that can service 300 simultaneous users.
Like FrontEnd and CTP, Adage Systems International Inc., Westport, Conn., uses RAD techniques to collect system requirements as well as for later phases. Adage develops manufacturing and distribution software. "Our methodology includes RAD techniques in the analysis and design phases as well as in the construction or development phase," said Adage Director Dave Phelan. Development comprises three phases: The first is the design phase, or the rapid prototyping of data models and database. The second is the development stage, which means coding the front and back ends and completing the first level of testing. The final phase is deployment, which includes documentation, script development, development of utilities to generate back-end tables, packaging and product release.
RAD, said Phelan, is a whole new way of developing systems. "Our RAD procedures include the use of prototyping and running pseudocode. We also step the end user through the application in order to finalize the user interface and the navigational paths before any time has been spent coding." Adage uses CA-OpenRoad, a graphical tool from Computer Associates (CA) International Inc., Islandia, N.Y., for Windows GUI development. CA-OpenRoad, said Phelan, offers a database driver that can link to Oracle, Sybase, Microsoft SQL Server and CA-Ingres databases. Adage has developed its own data modeling tools for back-end development.
As at Adage, specification documentation remains important for HBO and Co., an Atlanta-based healthcare systems provider. RAD practitioners often neglect to document system requirements, said John Crawford, executive director in HBO's research and development organization. "Documenting the requirements is important in order to know when a system is completed and then how to test it properly," Crawford said.
HBO is using RAD techniques to develop a missioncritical system that automates patient admission, identifies procedures covered by insurance, and bills patients.
"Often [system] requirements are not well-known," said Crawford. "When this situation arises, we do quick prototypes using VisualWorks from ParcPlace [Systems Inc., Sunnyvale, Calif.]. The user can decide very quickly what functions must be provided in the system."
Easy Pieces?
Not everyone, however, thinks RAD is appropriate for all phases of the development life cycle. Some developers believe that software assembled from pieces -- not designed as a whole -- will have significant problems. One is George Cagliuso, chief executive officer and founder of Visible Systems Corp., a business process consulting firm in Waltham, Mass.
"The cost of getting requirements is high and it is essential to get them before coding takes place," said Cagliuso. "RAD will work only if the analysis and design work has already been done."
Philip Fasone, president of PowerSolv Corp., a consultancy in Norcross, Ga., agrees. "Despite RAD's high levels of user involvement, developers are still making the same mistakes they did years ago. They jump into coding without sufficient analysis and design. They end up building systems that don't match what the user wants." The RAD approach, he said, can be successful for smaller systems that are two or three screens deep.
Despite the RAD shortcomings he cites, Fasone does not recommend going back to the waterfall method for complex applications demanding significant analysis and design. Instead, his consultancy implements the client/server and RAD methodologies supported by Houston-based LBMS Inc.'s Systems Engineer product. "SE's Client/Server Life Cycle is a robust methodology that includes the user as part of the development team. Because the analysis and modeling are done first, the coding can be accomplished quickly," said Fasone.
PowerSolv uses Powersoft's PowerBuilder for GUI development. LBMS's SE/Open for PowerBuilder allows a bidirectional exchange of design objects between LBMS Systems Engineer and PowerBuilder, said Fasone.
Giving RAD Some Roots
Also using PowerBuilder for GUI development is the IT group at Montreal's Canadian National Railways (CNR). According to Glenn Chafe, CNR's systems manager of IT, RAD tools provide a low-overhead approach to client/server developemnt. "We use RAD for decision support systems that access data from an online transaction processing system that was implemented using classical development methodology," Chafe said.
PowerBuilder is well-suited for this type of application, he said. "Our decision support systems measure areas such as customer satisfaction, shipping, and the on-time performance of trains. PowerBuilder's graphs and maps are very useful in representing these items." The DSSs run on Windows PCs and are connected via TCP/IP to a mainframe running DB2.
Another group that defines requirements prior to preparing the prototype is the Palm Beach Sheriff's Office, West Palm Beach, Fla. After determining an application's specifications, the development group uses the Natural Construct product from Software AG of North America Inc., Reston, Va., to generate the screens and application code. "We chose Construct because we have been using Software AG's product suite for the past four years," said Gary Cornn, director of IS. "Construct offers a high-level language that saves us from writing a lot of Natural code. It automates screen development and helps us develop programs in half the time we formerly required."
Cornn said they used this method of development for a property control application that tracks the bank accounts of Palm Beach's prison population. The system, comprising 15 screens, manages the accounts the prisoners use when purchasing goods from the prison canteen. The application executes on a mainframe and supports 300 PCs running Microsoft Windows and 200 dumb terminals.
It is unlikely that the main criticism surrounding RAD tools -- they let developers bypass the detailed analysis that well-made systems demand -- will die out anytime soon. What's needed, some say, is a foundation that allows the tools to do what they do best, while keeping them on a defined path. Said Anthony Jules, vice president of Sapient Corp., Cambridge, Mass., "The visual tools have had a dramatic effect on how work gets done. They let people see what they need through prototypes, rather than by reading through textual descriptions of the system. However, because of RAD's lack of a clear methodology or process, the end product is not always well-made."
One of the reasons is that RAD tools users, with their front-end focus, often ignore the larger issues of database design and back-end processing, said Chris Davey, vice president of sales and marketing at Sapient. "Tools are just one mechanism for delivering a system. There must always be a structure."
Sapient has attempted to address criticisms by providing a RAD methodology -- the Rapid Implementation Plan. Sapient's approach is to identify a business problem and to implement a solution as quickly as possible, said Jules. "During the conceptual phase of the project, visual tools can move a cross-functional group of people to consensus on the business process and on the look and feel of the application," he said. "Developers benefit from RAD tools' iterative ability to draft a solution without going through the 'analysis paralysis' that makes them wait for the perfect solution to their business problems. No one should worry about having to do things over. Scrapping 20% of an application is not a lot for RAD tools, unlike the older development tools that had to measure and account for every line of code."
Sapiens International Corp., Durham, N.C., also offers a RAD methodology -- The Sapiens Way -- along with development tools for both mainframe and client/server platforms. "Tools without a methodology are useless," said Peter Barber, senior vice president. "RAD requires a rigorous methodology that focuses on the mechanisms and metrics of the application development process, helping users understand what is needed from them. Users often need help both stating the application's requirements and then critiquing the system during its development."
Sapiens, said Barber, has shifted away from an end-to-end solution; they are open to use of other vendors' tools, especially user interface builders. "We view Powersoft and Gupta as client-side tools that can rapidly create user interfaces," he said. "If the scale of the application is more mission-critical, then the system needs to be more than just a front end. RAD goes beyond the front end in order to manage the business process." The vendor offers Sapiens for mainframe development, and Sapiens ObjectPool for client/server development.
Texas Instruments' methodology for rapid development seeks to align IT views with the business view, said John Reilly, principal methodologist, Software Business Division of the Plano, Texas-based firm. Reilly said the rapid development of complex applications requires both perspectives throughout the development process.
"The business perspective is introduced at the beginning of the development cycle as the users conduct event analyses, scenario walk-throughs, and user task analyses to determine the requirements. Once the conceptual layer has been modeled, the system is stable enough to lay out the functionality. The techniques used to manage the information technology perspective include parallel decomposition of the functions, partitioning the application, and analyzing the user interactions with the system workflow. Coding and testing comprise the final stages of development," said Reilly.
The iterative techniques enhanced by visual tools are an important part of TI's new approach to RAD, which is manifested in its new Composer by IEF tool. Key to customers, said Reilly, is that development can be done by multiple teams and does not have to be done sequentially; it is not necessary to complete analysis before moving into screen design. Reilly's rule of thumb: "If the whole application can be kept in your head, it's alright to start with design and screen building. However, as you move into more industrial-strength applications, you need to do analysis and you need a framework on which to hang all the required interfaces."
There's no question that RAD tools have had a significant impact on application development over the last few years. Witness movement in the vendor ranks: Cognos Inc., Burlington, Mass.; Progress Software Corp., Bedford, Mass.; Oracle Corp., Redwood Shores, Calif.; Open Environment Corp., Boston; Digitalk Inc., Santa Ana, Calif.; and IntelliCorp Inc., Mountain View, Calif., are all coupling visual tools with database management systems. This growth trend will likely continue as tools gain the strength needed to handle complex, enterprisewide applications.
For more information about a particular product, circle the corresponding reader service number on the reader service card located elsewhere in this issue. Compiled by Products Editor Deborah Melewski.
Andersen Consulting Chicago, IL
Product/Circle No.
Circle No. 280
Foundation for Cooperative Processing
Circle No. 281
Platform Support:
* Development
** Deployment
Methodology is platform-independent
* OS/2
** OS/2, Windows, Unix, OSF/1, CICS
GUI Development
Windows, NT, OS/2
DBMS Support
Informix, DB2, Oracle, SQL Server, Database Mgr.
Development methodology, RAD support Development toolset with rapid application builder
Blyth Software Foster City, CA
Product/Circle No.
Omnis 7
Circle No. 282
Platform Support:
* Development
** Deployment
* Mac, Windows
** Unix, OS/2, Windows
GUI Development
Windows, NT, OS/2
DBMS Support
Prototyping, RAD for client/server
Borland International Scotts Valley, CA
Product/Circle No.
Delphi; Delphi-Client/Server
Circle No. 283
Platform Support:
* Development
** Deployment
* Windows, NT, 32-bit support, Novell
** Same
GUI Development
DBMS Support
Interbase, Oracle, Informix, Sybase, SQL Server, Paradox, dBase, ODBC
Object-oriented visual RAD; reusable components
ClientSoft Inc. Tarrytown, NY
Product/Circle No.
Circle No. 284
Platform Support:
* Development
** Deployment
* Windows, OS/2, Mac
** Same
GUI Development
Windows, OS/2, Mac
DBMS Suppor
Legacy extension software
Cognos Inc. Burlington, MA
Product/Circle No.
Circle No. 285
Platform Support:
* Development
** Deployment
* OpenVMS, Unix, Windows
** Same
GUI Development
DBMS Support
Sybase, SQL Server, Interbase, Oracle, dBase, Rdb, ODBC
4GL, client/server application development, RAD
Computer Associates International Inc. Islandia, NY
Product/Circle No.
Circle No. 286
Platform Support:
* Development
** Deployment
* Windows, NT, Unix
** Same
GUI Development
Windows, PM, Motif
DBMS Support
Oracle, Open-Ingres, Sybase, SQL Server
Repository-based 4GL, graphical OO client/server development
Compuware Corp. Alameda, CA
Product/Circle No.
Uniface Six
Circle No. 287
Platform Support:
* Development
** Deployment
* DOS, OS/2, Windows, NT, Unix, OpenVMS, OSF/1, Mac
** Same
GUI Development
Windows, Motif, OS/2, Mac, character mode
DBMS Support
DB2/2, DB2/6000, Informix, Sybase, Ingres, Oracle, Progress, Rdb, RMS, dBase, others
4GL, client/server and GUI RAD
Corporate Computing International Bannockburn, IL
Product/Circle No.
Circle No. 288
Platform Support:
* Development
** Deployment
Windows, NT-based
GUI Development
DBMS Support
Client/server GUI RAD methodology
DataEase International Trumbull, CT
Product/Circle No.
Circle No. 289
Platfrom Support:
* Development
** Deployment
* DOS, Windows, OS/2
** Same
GUI Development
DBMS Support
Oracle, SQL Server, Sybase, DB2
4GL application development with RAD support
Digitalk Inc. Santa Ana, CA
Product/Circle No.
Circle No. 290
Platform Support:
* Development
** Deployment
* Windows, NT, OS/2
** Same
GUI Development
Windows, NT, OS/2
DBMS Support
Sybase, Oracle, DB2/2, dBase
Object-oriented tools, component assembly
Dynasty Technologies Inc. Naperville, IL
Product/Circle No.
Dynasty Development Environment
Circle No. 291
Platform Support:
* Development
** Deployment
* Windows
** DOS, Windows, NT, OS/2, Mac, Unix
GUI Development
PM, Windows, NT, Mac, Motif
DBMS Support
Oracle, Sybase, MS-SQL Server, SQLBase, DB2/2, ODBC
Repository-based, object-oriented RAD
Easel Corp. Burlington, MA
Product/Circle No.
Object Studio
Circle No. 292
Platform Support:
* Development
** Deployment
* Widows, OS/2, Unix
** Same
GUI Development
OS/2, Windows
DBMS Support
Object-oriented visual toolset, supports RAD
Forte Software Oakland, CA
Product/Circle No.
Circle No. 293
Platform Support:
* Development
** Deployment
* Unix, OpenVMS, OSF/1, Windows, Mac
** Same
GUI Development
Motif, Windows, Mac
DBMS Support
Oracle, Rdb, Sybase
Repository-based object-oriented RAD
Four Seasons Software Edison, NJ
Product/Circle No.
Circle No. 294
Platform Support:
* Development
** Deployment
* Windows, NT, Unix, OpenVMS, VMS
** Same
GUI Development
Windows, Motif, OpenLook
DBMS Support
4GL, RAD for client/server and standalone applications
Gupta Corp. Menlo Park, CA
Product/Circle No.
Gupta SQLWindows
Circle No. 295
Platform Support:
* Development
** Deployment
* Windows
** Same
GUI Development
DBMS Support
Includes Quick Templates, Quick Objects, 4GL compiler
IBM Corp. (Contact your local IBM sales office)
Product/Circle No.
VisualAge Team
Platform Support:
* Development
** Deployment
* OS/2
** OS/2, Windows, MVS, AIX, VSE, OS/400
* OS/2, Windows
** Same
GUI Development
Windows, OS/2
Windows, OS/2
DBMS Support
DB2 family
DB2 family
4GL, RAD; support for both traditional and RAD methods
Object-oriented RAD for client/server
Inference Corp. El Segundo, CA
Product/Circle No.
Circle No. 296
Platform Support:
* Development
** Deployment
* Windows, OS/2, Unix
** Same
GUI Development
Windows, OS/2
DBMS Support
SQL Server, DB2, Oracle, Sybase
ArtScript supports OO RAD
Informix Software Menlo Park, CA
Product/Circle No.
Informix NewEra
Circle No. 297
Platform Support:
* Development
** Deployment
* Unix, Motif, Windows
** Same
GUI Development
Motif, Windows
DBMS Support
Informix, Oracle, Sybase, ODBC
Graphical, object-oriented development
Intek Technologies Inc. Atlanta, GA
Product/Circle No.
Circle No. 298
Platform Support:
* Development
** Deployment
* Windows
** PowerBuilder, Oracle, Sybase, ODBC
DBMS Support
ODBC, Sybase, Oracle
Visual modeling, rapid iterative development
IntelliCorp Mountain View, CA
Product/Circle No.
Circle No. 299
Platform Support:
* Development
** Deployment
* Sun, HP-UX
** Windows, Sun, HP-UX
GUI Development
Windows, Motif
DBMS Support
Informix, Oracle, Sybase, Ingres
OO IE, iterative, visual, incremental development
International Software Group Waltham, MA
Product/Circle No.
Circle No. 300
Platform Support:
* Development
** Deployment
* OpenVMS, Unix
** Same, plus Windows
GUI Development
DBMS Support
RMS, Rdb, Ingres, Informix, Adabas, Oracle, M, Sybase
Repository-based RAD, 4GL
Ipsys Software San Francisco, CA
Product/Circle No.
Circle No. 301
Platform Support:
* Development
** Deployment
* Unix, VMS
** Same
GUI Development
DBMS Support
Oracle, Sybase, SQL
Standard techniques, RAD, iterative prototyping
JYACC New York, NY
Product/Circle No.
Circle No. 302
Platform Suppart:
* Development
** Deployment
* Unix, VMS, DOS, OS/2
** Same
GUI Development
Windows, NT, OpenLook, Motif, Mac, PM
DBMS Support
Visual application development environment
LBMS Inc. Houston, TX
Product/Circle No.
LBMS Systems Engineer for Windows
Circle No. 303
Platform Support:
* Development
** Deployment
* Windows
** Client/server
GUI Development
Interfaces to PowerBuilder
DBMS Support
Data-driven, process-driven and RAD
Magec Software Dallas, TX
Product/Circle No.
Circle No. 304
Platform Support:
* Development
** Deployment
* Windows, MVS, VSE
** Same
GUI Development
DBMS Support
Cross-platform RAD, GUI development
Magic Software Enterprises Irvine, CA
Product/Circle No.
Circle No. 305
Platform Support:
* Development
** Deployment
* DOS, Unix, VMS, OpenVMS
** Same, plus Windows
GUI Development
DBMS Support
Oracle, Sybase, Btrieve, C-Isam, Rdb, Informix
RAD for client/server and host-based systems
Magna Software Corp. New York, NY
Product/Circle No.
Circle No. 306
Platform Support:
* Development
** Deployment
* Unix
** Same
GUI Development
Windows, Motif
DBMS Support
Oracle, Informix
4GL development
McDonnell Douglas Information Systems Irvine, CA
Product/Circle No.
Pro-IV Developer
Circle No. 307
Platform Support:
* Development
** Deployment
* Unix, DOS, Windows, OS/400, OpenVMS, OSF/1, MVS, VM
GUI Development
DBMS Support
4GL, RAD workbench
michaels, ross & cole Ltd. Lombard, IL
Product/Circle No.
mrc-Productivity Series
Circle No. 308
Platform Support:
* Development
** Deployment
* OS/400, Windows
** Same
GUI Development
DBMS Support
4GL, RAD, prototyping, GUI design, template programming
Micro Focus Palo Alto, CA
Product/Circle No.
Micro Focus Dialog System
Circle No. 309
Platform Support:
* Development
** Deployment
* Windows, DOS, OS/2
** Same; elient/server
GUI Development
Windows, OS/2, Motif
DBMS Support
Visual programming, rapid build of GUI database applications
Microsoft Corp. Redmond, WA
Product/Circle No.
Visual Basic
Circle No. 310
Platform Support:
* Development
** Deployment
* Windows, NT
** Same
GUI Development
DBMS Support
ODBC, SQL Server, Oracle, Paradox, Access, Btrieve, FoxPro, dBase
Visual design, programming, RAD
Netron Inc. Toronto, Canada
Product/Circle No.
Circle No. 311
Platform Support:
* Development
** Deployment
* OS/2
** Windows, OS/2
GUI Development
Windows, PM
DBMS Support
Any with Cobol access
Visual RAD, GUI development
Neuron Data Palo Alto, CA
Product/Circle No.
Elements Environment
Circle No. 312
Platform Support:
* Development
** Deployment
* Windows, NT, OS/2, Mac, Unix, OpenVMS
** Same
GUI Development
Windows, NT, PM, Motif, OpenLook, Mac
DBMS Support
Oracle, Sybase, Ingres, Informix, ODBC
Family of visual, objectoriented RAD, GUI products
Next Computer Redwood City, CA
Product/Circle No.
Circle No. 313
Platform Support:
* Development
** Deployment
* Unix
** Unix, client/server
GUI Development
DBMS Support
Sybase, Oracle, Interbase
Object-oriented framework
Novell Inc. Provo, UT
Product/Circle No.
Visual AppBuilder
Circle No. 314
Platform Support:
* Development
** Deployment
* Windows, Mac
** Same; client/server
GUI Development
DBMS Support
Uses pre-built visual RAD
ObjectPlus Corp. Cambridge, MA
Product/Circle No.
Circle No. 315
Platform Support:
* Development
** Deployment
* Windows
** Same
GUI Development
DBMS Support
GUI RAD with built-in VBX support
Ochre Development Burlingame, CA
Product/Circle No.
Circle No. 316
Platform Support:
* Development
** Deployment
* Windows, NT, Unix, VMS
** Same
GUI Development
DBMS Support
Oracle, Informix, Ingres, Supra
OO, repository-based application development
Open Software Association Nashua, NH
Product/Circle No.
Circle No. 317
Platform Support:
* Development
** Deployment
* OS/2, Windows, Unix OpenVMS, OSF/1, Mac
** Same
GUI Development
Windows, PM, Motif, Mac
DBMS Support
Rapid design, development, maintenance of front-end solutions
Oracle Corp. Redwood Shores, CA
Product/Circle No.
Oracle CDE
Circle No. 318
Platform Support:
* Development
** Deployment
* Unix, DOS, OS/2, Windows, Mac, VMS
** Same
GUI Development
Windows, Motif, Mac
DBMS Support
Oracle 7, ODBC
Repository-based client/server development tools support VB controls
ParcPlace Systems Inc. Sunnyvale, CA
Product/Circle No.
Circle No. 319
Platform Support:
* Development
** Deployment
* OS/2, Windows, NT, Mac, Unix
** Same
GUI Development
Windows, PM, Motif
DBMS Support
Oracle, Sybase
Smalltalk-based object-oriented RAD
Powersoft Corp. Concord, MA
Product/Circle No.
Circle No. 320
Platform Support:
* Development
** Deployment
* Windows, NT, Unix, Mac
** Same
GUI Development
Windows, NT, Motif
DBMS Support
Informix, Sybase, XDB, Oracle, ODBC
C/S RAD, graphical, visual environment
Progress Software Bedford, MA
Product/Circle No.
Progress ADE
Circle No. 321
Platform Support:
* Development
** Deployment
* Unix, VMS, Windows, OS/2, Mac
** Same
GUI Development
DBMS Support
Rapid development, deployment, 4GL
Recital Corp. Danvers, MA
Product/Circle No.
Circle No. 322
Platform Support:
* Development
** Deployment
* Unix, DOS, Windows, NT, OpenVMS, OSF/1
** Same
GUI Development
Motif, Windows, NT
DBMS Support
SQL, Rdb, RMS, dBase
Client/server visual RAD, 4GL tools
Sapiens International Durham, NC
Product/Circle No.
Circle No. 323
Platform Support:
* Development
** Deployment
* Unix, Windows, NT
** Same
GUI Development
Windows, NT
DBMS Support
Client/server object-oriented RAD
SAS Institute Cary, NC
Product/Circle No.
SAS System
Circle No. 324
Platform Support:
* Development
** Deployment
* DOS, Windows, OS/2, MVS, VSE, VMS, Unix
** Same
GUI Development
DBMS Support
Client/server RAD environment
Seer Technologies Cary, NC
Product/Circle No.
Seer*HPS TurboCycler
Circle No. 325
Platform Support:
* Development
** Deployment
* OS/2, Windows, NT, OS/2, OS/400, Unix
** Same
GUI Development
DBMS Support
Automated design engine for RAD; prototyping
Software AG Reston, VA
Product/Circle No.
Natural New Dimension; Construct
Circle No. 326
Platform Support:
* Development
** Deployment
* OS/2, Windows, NT
** Same
GUI Development
Windows, NT, OS/2, PM
DBMS Support
4GL, rapid prototyping development
Speedware Corp. Toronto, Canada
Product/Circle No.
Circle No. 327
Platform Support:
* Development
** Deployment
* OS/2, Windows, NT, Unix
** OS/2, Windows, Unix
GUI Development
Windows, NT, Motif
DBMS Support
Oracle, Sybase, Allbase, DB2, Informix
4GL, object-oriented
Sterling Software Atlanta, GA
Product/Circle No.
Circle No. 328
Circle No. 329
Platform Support:
* Development
** Deployment
* Windows, OS/2
** Same
* Windows
** Same
GUI Development
DBMS Support
Visual, iterative design, prototyping, RAD Standalone RAD environment
Sybase Inc. Emeryville, CA
Product/Circle No.
Sybase; SQL Toolset
Circle No. 330
Platform Support:
* Development
** Deployment
* MVS, DOS, OS/2, VMS, Unix
** Same
GUI Development
DBMS Support
Application prototyping, development
Symantec Corp. Cupertino, CA
Product/Circle No.
Enterprise Developer
Circle No. 331
Platform Support:
* Development
** Deployment
* Windows
** Client/server, distributed DBMSs
GUI Development
DBMS Support
DB2, DB2/2, XDB, MS-Access, Watcom, Oracle, Sybase, SQL Server, ODBC
Repository-based client/server RAD; team support; VBX controls
Synon Corp. Larkspur, CA
Product/Circle No.
Synon/2E; Synon/CSG
Circle No. 332
Platform Support:
* Development
** Deployment
* OS/400
** OS/2, Windows, OS/400, Unix
GUI Development
DBMS Support
Design, modeling, rapid prototyping
Template Software Herndon, VA
Product/Circle No.
Circle No. 333
Platform Support:
* Development
** Deployment
* Unix, VMS, Windows, NT, OS/2 Warp
** Same
GUI Development
DBMS Support
Object-oriented template-based RAD
Texas Instruments Dallas, TX
Product/Circle No.
Composer by IEF
Circle No. 334
Platform Support:
* Development
** Deployment
* Windows, NT
** Same
GUI Development
DBMS Support
Iterative RAD, graphical development
Thomson Software Products San Diego, CA
Product/Circle No.
TeleUse UIMS Family
Circle No. 335
Platform Support:
* Development
** Deployment
* Windows, NT, Unix
** Same
GUI Development
OSF/Motif, Windows, NT
DBMS Support
Object-oriented GUI application development, prototyping
TopSpeed Corp. Pompano Beach, FL
Product/Circle No.
Clarion for Windows
Circle No. 336
Platform Support:
* Development
** Deployment
* Windows
** Same
GUI Development
DBMS Support
Xbase, Paradox, Btrieve, AS/400, ODBC
Template-based RAD; supports MS-Visual Basic
Trinzic Corp. Palo Alto, CA
Product/Circle No.
Circle No. 337
Circle No. 338
Platform Support:
* Development
** Deployment
* Windows, OS/2, MVS
** Same
* Windows
GUI Development
Windows, PM
DBMS Support
Oracle, SQL Server, DB2, DB2/2, SQL/DS, dBase Oracle, Sybase, ODBC
Visual development environment
OO, prototyping, RAD for client/server
Unify Corp. Sacramento, CA
Product/Circle No.
Unify Vision
Circle No. 339
Platform Support:
* Development
** Deployment
* Windows, Unix, OSF/1
** Same, plus Mac, PowerPC
GUI Development
Windows, Motif, Open-Look, Mac
DBMS Support
ODBC, Oracle, SQL Server, Ingres, Informix DB2, Unify
Client/server RAD, visual tools
Visible Systems Corp. Waltham, MA
Product/Circle No.
Visible Analyst Workbench
Circle No. 340
Platform Support:
* Development
** Deployment
* Windows clients, NetWare, LAN Server, other file servers
GUI Development
DBMS Support
Oracle, Sybase, SQL Server, SQLBase
Analysis, design, code generator, RAD
Visix Software Reston, VA
Product/Circle No.
Galaxy Application Environment
Circle No. 341
Platform Support:
* Development
** Deployment
* Unix, Windows, NT, OS/2, Mac, OpenVMS
* Same
GUI Development
Motif, Open-Look, Windows CUA, Mac
DBMS Support
Oracle, Sybase, Ingres
Cross-platform development, incremental support
XVT Software Boulder, CO
Product/Circle No.
XVT Development Solutions C/C++
Circle No. 342
Platform Support:
* Development
** Deployment
* Windows, NT, OS/2, Unix, OpenVMS, Mac
** Same, plus DOS, UnixWare, VMS
GUI Development
Windows, NT, Mac, OS/2, Motif
DBMS Support
Oracle, Ingres
Cross-platform C, C++ application development
COPYRIGHT 1995 Wiesner Publications, Inc.
COPYRIGHT 2004 Gale Group