The Real Story Series. - book reviews
Richard CumminsThe Real Story Series
Secrets, Lies and Democracy: Noam Chomsky. 1994; 127 pp. ISBN 1-878825-04-6.
The CIA's Greatest Hits: Mark Zepezauer, 1994; 96 pp. ISBN 1-878825-30-5.
The Prosperous Few and the Restless Many: Noam Chomsky. 1993; 95 pp. ISBN 1-878825-03-8.
Who Killed Martin Luther King?: Philip Melanson. 1993; 94 pp. ISBN 1-878825-11-9.
Who Killed Robert Kennedy?: Philip Melanson. 1993; 94 pp. ISBN 1-878825-12-7.
Who Killed JFK?: Carl Oglesby. 1992; 95 pp. ISBN 1-878825-10-0.
The Greenpeace Guide to Anti-Environmental Organizations: Carl Deal. 1993; 110 pp. ISBN 1-878825-05-4.
Burma: The Next Killing Fields?: Alan Clements. 1992; 95 pp. ISBN 1-878825-21-6.
The Decline and Fall of the American Empire: Gore Vidal. 1992; 95 pp. ISBN 1-878825-00-3.
What Uncle Sam Really Wants: Noam Chomsky. 1992; 111 pp. ISBN 1-878825-01-1.
America's Favorite Drug (Coffee and Your Health): Bonnie Edwards. 1992; 112 pp. ISBN 1-878825-50-x.
$5 each except Secrets, Lies and Democracy ($6) and The CIA's Greatest Hits ($6). Add $2 per order for shipping and handling. Odonian Press, Box 32375, Tucson, AZ 85751; 800/REAL STORY
"The Real Story Series is based on a simple idea" says the backcover blurb, Political books don't hove to be boring." in this riveting series of inexpensive paperbacks, the likes of Noaom Chomsky, Gore Vidal, Philip Melanson, and Mark Zepezauer deliver on that promise. The books are published in an attractive permabound format, and average one hundred pages.
* The word "radical" derives from the Latin word for root. Therefore, if you want to get to the root of anything you must be radical. It is no accident that the word has now been totally demonized by our masters, and no one in politics dares even to use the word favorably, much less trace any problem to its root.
* Now to the root of the matter. The great unmentionable evil at the center of our culture is monotheism. From a barbaric Bronze Age text known as the Old Testament, three antihuman religions have evolved--Judaism, Christianity and Islam. These are sky-god religions. They are, literally, patriarchal - God is the omnipotent father - hence the loathing of women for 2,000 years in those countries afflicted by the sky-god and his earthly male delegates.
The sky-god is a jealous god, of course. He requires total obedience from everyone on earth, as he is in place not just for one tribe but all creation. Those who would reject him must be converted or killed for their own good.
Ultimately, totalitarianism is the only sort of politics that can truly serve the sky-god's purpose. Any movement of a liberal nature endangers his authority and that of his delegates on earth. One God, one King, one Pope, one master in the factory, one father-leader in the family at home.
COPYRIGHT 1995 Point Foundation
COPYRIGHT 2004 Gale Group