From the editor
Robert P. WatsonThis issue of White House Studies, dedicated to the topic of "The Presidency, the Navy, and the War on Terror," is the fourth special issue of the journal to date. The Volume 1, Number 3 issue was the first such special issue and was dedicated to the prospects of electing a female president; the Volume 2, Number 1 issue examined Lincoln's legacy; and the previous issue (Volume 4, Number 1) focused on presidential leadership and foreign policy.
The special issues have met with favorable feedback from readers and several additional special issues are planned. Such issues bring together scholars with specific interests and expertise under the direction of one or more guest editors. Each issue explores a specific topic that is timely, relevant to a broad cross section of presidential scholars, and is of importance to the state of presidential scholarship. To that end, I invite readers to propose special issues to the editor and board of the journal.
The current issue features the talents of an impressive group of scholars with connections to the U.S. Naval Academy. The topic is timely and important, and marks one of the few scholarly efforts to examine the history of the U.S. Navy's role in fighting terrorism, the U.S. Navy's role in the first Persian Gulf War and the recent war in Iraq, the state of present naval policies and practices regarding terrorism, and challenges facing the U.S. Navy in the War on Terror. It is under the capable direction of Dr. Douglas Brattebo, a faculty member at the U.S. Naval Academy.
I hope you enjoy this fascinating and unique issue.
COPYRIGHT 2004 Nova Science Publishers, Inc.
COPYRIGHT 2005 Gale Group