Reprints For Your Library - Brief Article
Ellis M. ZachariasMany of those informative and entertaining Journal articles that you have enjoyed in years past are now available as pamphlets (8.5" by 5.5"). Be inspired again by the teachings of experienced photographers! Begin your private collection of reprints and guarantee that this wealth of photographic information will always be at your fingertips. PSA is now offering the first set of ten pamphlets at a bargain basement price of $5 for the entire set, including postage. The same price applies to everyone, domestic and overseas alike. Begin your collection today and consider giving a set to a friend or to someone who is just exploring this wonderful hobby. Please don't delay -- send your $5 payment to PSA headquarters today before the first printing is sold out!
Pamphlet Titles:
1. "Three Steps to Better Composition" by Fran Cox, APSA
2. "The Art of Seeing" by Albert Sadler, FPSA
3. "The Joy of Monochrome Photography" by Pete Glass
4. "Primer on Portraiture" by Dr. Louis F. Romain, FPSA
5. "Shooting Kids" by Don Chisholm
6. "Composition Simplified" by Wiley G. Quick
7. "Depth of Focus/Depth of Field: A Definitive Ruling" by Wm. Edwin Booth, APSA
8. "Getting Started in 3-D" by Gene Kirksey, APSA
9. "Anatomy of a Photographic Collage" by Russell A. Rohde, MD
10. "Making Christmas Photo Greetings" by Keith I.P. Adamson
COPYRIGHT 1999 Photographic Society of America, Inc.
COPYRIGHT 2004 Gale Group