Butterflies Through Binoculars: A Field Guide to Butterflies in the Boston-New York-Washington Region. - book reviews
John Weber, Jr.(A Field Guide to Butterflies in the Boston-New York-Washington Region) Jeffrey Glassberg. 1993; 256 pp. ISBN 0-19-507983-3 $19.95 ($22.95 postpaid). Oxford University Press, Order Dept., 2001 Evans Road, Cary, NC 27513; 800/451-7556
This is the best butterfly book available. Designed to aid the identification of living butterflies, it includes 300 color photographs of nectaring and basking butterflies as you will see them in real life -- these alone are worth the price of the book. Jeffrey Glassberg (President of NABA) has painstakingly (but conversationally) pointed out the fieldmarks, in captions and text.
The species listed are limited to the "Bosnywash" region, but the usefulness of Butterflies Through Binoculars actually extends to all of the northern tier of states east of the Dakotas. If only a series of guides of this high caliber existed for all of North America's bioregions!
COPYRIGHT 1995 Point Foundation
COPYRIGHT 2004 Gale Group