Wake up and smell the coffee
Graeme R. GuyI have been a supporter of many PSA-recognized exhibitions for the last 10 years and admire the hard work that is often done by a few stalwarts to make these events tick. Unfortunately at the present time, I don't see too many of these exhibitions appreciating the tidal wave of digital photography. Those folks that still like the smell of hypo in the darkroom or sending off films to get scratched from their favorite processor had better start swimming because the wave is upon us. I submit only in the Nature Photography sections, but I think the problem is in all branches. There are two excellent nature photography websites based in the USA where currently the 90% plus of photographers who contribute to them are solely digital in their shooting habits. Most of these tend to be younger than the average PSA member: but this is the future, and we must collectively react. It is possible to get digital files made into slides and to then proceed normally, but it is an expensive operation and rather hit-and-miss.
There are simple ways to accommodate the digital photographers: (a) Have a small print section. These can be home-processed and sent fairly cheaply. (b) Get images of a certain size sent on CDs and judge these via projection with a digital projector. These can be hired, begged, or borrowed. Images of as low as 1000 pixels across are satisfactory and can simply be put into Powerpoint[TM] for viewing. (c) Get everything done electronically. Images can be sent as e-mail attachments and even payment can be done via the same medium. This would cut down on postage, which remains one of the greatest costs.
Fortunately, some progressive salons are taking note and reacting: the live-wire organizer of the Austrian Super Circuit, Dr Chris Hinterobermeier, has plans to cover the digital revolution, other salons run small print circuits and the new kid on the block, the Swansea Salon from Wales, is accepting CD submissions next year. They also produced one of the best catalogues and a stunning CD of their 2004 salon. It would be nice to see the digital revolution hit some more PSA-recognized exhibitions in the near future.
Graeme R. Guy, PPSA
COPYRIGHT 2005 Photographic Society of America, Inc.
COPYRIGHT 2005 Gale Group