Nature - photography contest - Brief Article
Mary S. McCarthy1999 Slide Essay Contest Winners
* General Essay--Best of Show: Siegfried Matull, EPSA, Hummingbirds. Best Depiction of Zoological Wildlife: Norma Mastin, FPSA, The African Antelope. Honorable Mention: Fran Cox, FPSA, The Lodgepole Pine.
* Bruce Cole Memorial Conservation Essays--First Place: Betty Randall Ports, FPSA, Mono Lake Oasis. Second Place: Siegfried Matull, EPSA, Save Our Bluebirds. Third Place: Daniel Hanson, Stream Quality Assessment Program.
Jean Burke
Slide Sets catalog available
The complete and current catalog for the Nature Division Exhibition/ Essay Slide Sets is now available by e-mail to anyone that has Adobe Acrobat Reader. Contact the US and Canada Slide Set Distributor, Al Consoli, at consoli@enter, net to obtain the latest Slide Sets Catalog. Acrobat Reader is a program that is distributed free at the Adobe website: Complete information for loaning the Nature Division slide sets, tapes, and scripts is contained in the catalog
Al Consoli
ND Slide Set Distributor
COPYRIGHT 1999 Photographic Society of America, Inc.
COPYRIGHT 2004 Gale Group