Anger in Japan
Jason GreenI just finished reading the piece on gay travel to Japan and could not be a greater witness to what was said. They are intolerant of foreigners (gaijin--a nasty way of saying gaikokujin) and see gay sexual orientation as being a disgrace to one's family and as an illness. I can say this because I am half Japanese and lived there for many, many years. The fact that I am half Japanese is bad enough (zero antidiscrimination laws), but the fact that I speak perfect Japanese (I have a master's in Asian linguistics from a Japanese university) further causes intimidation. If I were to ever let out that I am gay, I may as well expect a lynch mob. Realistically, there is utter ostracization and no privacy from the medical community (as HIPPA provides in the United States) or financial institutions. As far as HIV goes, the common thought is that it's a strictly gay disease that these people deserve, and thus information and education are unnecessary. Visiting as a tourist, you don't experience this too much, but try living there for seven years ... such a beautiful country and culture, yet it has so much growing up to do.
JASON GREEN, Lebanon, Mo.
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