President's report - From The President - Editorial
G. Robert MerrileesI am very pleased with the success of ROA's 2004 Mid-Winter Conference, which provides the content for this article. If you were one of the participants who made the Conference so successful, you will be familiar with this report. This article will inform those who could not be there of the outstanding events that took place. Perhaps this will increase your desire to attend the National Convention in Salt Lake City and/or the next Mid-Winter Conference. I hope so.
I sincerely thank all ROA members who participated in our 2004 Conference, here in Washington, D.C., 25-28 January. Your being there is the reason it was very successful. Our Association's efforts to obtain better health protections for all Reservists; to achieve a much-needed update of the Reserve retirement program; to repair survivor benefit inequities; and to achieve several other improvements to ensure that America can sustain strong Reserve Components, moved closer to approval. Also, because of your presence and because of the work you accomplished on Capitol Hill, ROA's legislative agenda was boldly advanced. The congressional visit training session, conducted on 27 January, was a new event this year and proved very successful. Based on participant feedback, we will length en that training session next year and will hold it on the first day of Mid-Winter. In the future, we will also do more to give members of Congress advance notice of our annual Mid-Winter aggressive Capitol Hill visit schedule.
I particularly want to express my appreciation to the Reserve chiefs. I thank each of you for taking such an active role through your visibility during the entire Conference.
I am also very appreciative of the energy and wisdom displayed by those attending this year's Mid-Winter Conference relative to ROA's internal business. Because of your efforts, we were able to advance the spousal membership initiative with an endorsement from ROA's National Council. General McIntosh and I appreciated the opportunity to discuss, and answer questions about, our proposed new ROA membership category for spouses, widows, and widowers, with members of the Reserve Officers Association League. The laws that allow spousal membership in ROA have been on the books for several years and many associations have taken advantage of them. Your leadership has developed this membership initiative to broaden our recruiting base and to add a valuable dimension to our Association's influence. We were also able to process several resolutions that will help Reservists and that will improve ROA internal governing.
Congratulations to the numerous Reservists who received ROA recognition and awards. Speaking of recognition, certainly honoring Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) as ROA's Minuteman of the Year and inducting Gen Richard Myers, USAF, Chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff, into the Minuteman Hall of Fame, were two of many highlights of this year's Mid-Winter. Senator Graham was recently selected for promotion to colonel in the U.S. Air Force Reserve. Their acceptance speeches, the addresses by Secretaries Paul McHale and Thomas F. Hall during the opening ceremony, the presentations by the Reserve Component service chiefs at various meetings, and the lectures by several other government leaders, were very informative. Many thanks to the United States Joint Armed Forces Color Guard from the Military District of Washington and the United States Army Band for their inspiring participation at our banquet on Thursday evening. We were also privileged to have Sen. Zell Miller (D-Ga.) and Rep. Phil Gingrey (R-Ga.) among our guests. Nearly 1,000 members and guests attended the banquet.
Of note was the presentation of the Alexander Jackson Award to RADM Russell Gorman, USNR (Ret.), for a lifetime of outstanding service to the Naval Reserve and ROA.
Col Timothy Minor, USAFR, presented awards for the ROA-U.S. Freedom Walk Festival and recognized ROA for continued participation in the walk.
Our junior officers are the lifeblood of our organization, and we were privileged to recognize the following outstanding junior officers from each of the services: Army--CPT William F. Wilkerson, USAR; Navy--LCDR Charles R. Sherer, USNR; Coast Guard--IT Philip Snodgrass, USCGR; Air Force--Capt Charles A. Knapp, USAFR; Marine Corps--Capt J. K. Jarrard, USMCR; Public Health Service--LCDR Daniel Hesselgesser; National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration--LT Daniel K. Karlson.
In addition, we recognized the Outstanding Warrant Officer of the Year, CW02 Eric D. Nordby, USAR; the Outstanding Drill Sergeant of the Year, Sgt 1st Class Corenna L. Rouse, USAR; and ROA's 2004 Chaplain of the Year, Chaplain (CDR) Charles "Chuck" Roots, USNR.
ROA presented a check to the newly formed Reserve Enlisted Association (REA) to help REA with start-up operations and recognized the interim Board of Directors at the opening ceremonies. Those present were: Master Chief Petty Officer Linda Reid, USCGR; Command Sgt Maj Collin Younger, USAR (Ret.); Chief Master Sgt Lani Burnett, USAFR (Ret.); Chief Master Sgt John Balducci, USAFR (Ret.); Chief Master Sgt Troy McIntosh, USAFR; and Sgt Seth Benge, USMCR.
The participation of ROA's STARs (Standing Together for America's Reservists) Industry Affairs partners and the participation of more than 80 exhibitors added excitement and knowledge about defense related equipment and products. These providers of military readiness products and services are to be congratulated and I thank all of them for enhancing our Mid-Winter.
An all-day Navy Training session was held again this year. Attended by 150 officers, it was the most successful in several years. VADM John Cotton, chief of the Naval Reserve, spoke on Reserve alignment; Dr. John Winkler, assistant secretary of Defense for Manpower and Personnel, spoke on continuum of service.
Sixty ROTC cadets, 135 Reserve Component Joint Officer Professional Development Seminar (RCJOPDS) attendees, and 52 mid-grade officers participated in ROA's high-caliber officer development programs. An added feature to the training agenda this year was a Joint orientation at the National Defense University for the RCJOPDS. Reviews were high. Our own Col Tom Royals, USAF (Ret.), provided an excellent session on his POW experience. Attendees made many favorable comments about how much they enjoyed the sessions, the trips, and the opportunity to meet officers of all grades and Reserve Components. The cadets and the junior and mid-grade officers who participated were the "cream of the crop" and are our future leaders. Based on what I saw in them, the future sure looks bright. They are sharp.
Our service section luncheon speakers were Mr. Harvey Barnum, deputy assistant secretary of the Navy for Reserve Affairs; Mr. Michael Domingues, Assistant Secretary of the Air Force for Manpower and Reserve Affairs; and BG Guy Swan III, Chief, Legislative Liaison, office of the Secretary of the Army. Our thanks to all of them.
Our thanks also go out to Mr. Bill Edwards, an ROA member and general manager of the Washington Hilton and area vice president and his staff for all they did to make this a wonderful and productive conference.
In summary: The ROA 2004 Mid-Winter Conference was one of the best, and that fact is a credit to all who attended and the hard work and planning of the ROA staff. I commend all of you. This great event is testimony to the importance and positive impact the Reserve Officers Association is having on ensuring national security and strong Reserve Components.
RADM G. Robert Merrilees, USCGR (Ret.)
ROA National President, 2003 2004
COPYRIGHT 2004 Reserve Officers Association of the United States
COPYRIGHT 2004 Gale Group