Bad homilies
Anne Grogan-CoxThe setting: A young girl--her parents divorced--leaves a small town in Ontario to make her fortune out West. She meets prince charming. He is Catholic. The girl takes instruction and becomes a Catholic, too. The couple also takes a marriage course before the girl chooses to come back to her home to be married.
The pastor of the Catholic Church in her hometown makes all of the necessary arrangements, as he is unable to preside at the actual ceremony. The replacement priest, a sociologist from a nearby university, chooses to present a lecture, citing amazing statistics on the number of divorces in Canada and the harm this is doing to our society. He does not seem aware of the girl's background. Sitting in the church is the girl's mother by herself and her father with his new girlfriend. Most of the people in the church are her non-Catholic family and friends ... no matter ... he drones on. He does not say a word, wishing the young couple well as they embark on this new adventure in their lives.
It was inappropriate. Incidentally, the couple recently celebrated their 20th wedding anniversary, still recalling the dreadful sermon they heard on that day! So much for good preaching....
Anne Grogan-Cox
Wingham, Ont.
COPYRIGHT 2004 Catholic New Times, Inc.
COPYRIGHT 2005 Gale Group